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Quick Backround on Val

Val lived in Ayenee most of her life. She had a decent family, in her eyes. Her mother, Eliza Eveloft and her father, Jason Eveloft, were decent parents. Her mother was the casual home wife, cleaning, cooking, the whole package. Her father, which they both presumed to be the manager of a little resturaunt that oddly was always packed, and they were fairly wealthy. The resturaunt was called "The Blue Angel". When Val was about 6, they soon found out he wasn't the manager of a little resturaunt, and he wasn't truelly mortal either and he was a drug dealer, who messed with the wrong people. Her father did pass down some.. remarkable enhanced strength, and powers to boot, but Val eventually turned against ever acknowledging she had them, for some undealt with anger toward her father. Her father bought a good amount of crack off a head time dealer, name "Casino", because he was also a gambler. When he didn't make his due date, Casino, decided to pay himself, and took Val's fathers life. When her mother found out, she was in hysterics, and they had to give up the house. They lived in a rundown apartment, her mother doing a few odd jobs to keep them both alive. Her mother was a waitress at one resturaunt, bartender at another, and a stripper at a run down joint down town. Then Val's mother got sick.. never really sure of what, she pretty much had every STD in the book, and died, when Val was about 8. Val then had to goto an orphanage, which she stayed in til she was about 16, then she went out on her own. She would be in and out of shelters alot, since she really had no where else to go. She was walking down an alley way one day, when she was jumped. To say at the least, she kicked the guy into submission, and ended up mugging him even though she was suppose to be the one mugged. At the edge of the alley, the manager of a rally-ring, where street fighting went on regularly, was watching the whole thing. His name was Trent Valentine, and he offered her an offer she couldn't refuse. "Your style is like Honey, Honey. Perfectly sweet. Whats your name?" - "Val Eveloft.." - "Honey Eveloft, its perfect." ..and thats how she got the name Honey. He said she could come when she pleased, fight, and win or lose, get paid a good amount, about $250 a fight usually, depending on how she did. So.. thats her story, shes still fighting, and still yet has a permenant home. Shes not the sweetest of all girls, even though she is called Honey, and can be pretty mean. She needs help, she knows it, but won't admitt it. She never was really shown love, comfort.. solace, in her life, or any she can remember, so it explains her attitude. She tried to be nice, but she would only get slapped in the face for it. So don't expect any niceness soon...