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The Crew Page 2

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Why a red Flag?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Many pirates historically had personalized flags. While the black/white "Jolly Roger" was the most famous, it was not the only type of pirate flag. The flags were designed to intimidate the defenders, encourage a quick surrender, allowing "quarter", and an opportunity to gain an undamaged ship. Red is easier to see and looks like blood, the Black dot is the New moon (as the name of the ship)with a skull in it(a symbol of death) as though saying "Death is waiting in the moonless night". The Black Spot is also a symbol known to pirates as a warning. As though we are saying we are a threat to everyone. The sword crossing the bone means "We will cut you to the bone if you don't surrender" The Bloody background helps to make the point. The words "Speak nothing but good of the dead" written in French is a warning to the French that they will be shown no mercy.

The Cabin Boy

The duties of our CabinBoy are as follows: As the youngest crew member, he has to wait on Captain, set table for their meals, and clean up after the crew. Camp clean up is always a pain. This lad is in charge of it and can request assistance from the rest of the crew. Hi-lights are: privy set up/take down, dishes, trash disposal, and send buckets for smokers. Click here to read about the youngest member of the crew.

The Mate or First Mate

The Mate is in charge of the ship when Captain and quartermaster are unavailable. He is in charge of setting watch and making sure all supplies are out of weather(or weather proof) The Quartermaster will provide the Mate with a list of sailers availible for duty each day. Click here to read more about him.

Info Gatherer

The Informant is a land dwelling pirate that finds out info on the fleets, merchant vessils, and other prise ship movements. He or she must be able to bluff and act as a merchant or military person. They send word by way of drop points on a cost, like local pubs.Click here to read more about him. [Retreat][Advance]