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Welcome to my lair, what brings you here?

I dedicate my life to the mythical beings of another world. As you can tell, my most treasured creature is the Dragon.
What influenced me to follow the ways of serpents and lizards? Well, it all started when I used to watch cartoons of dragons, read books about dragons, and even watching people draw dragons. It made me want to learn more about them and how they came to embed themselves into history.

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Announcement Box
3/11 -
Added the Contact Me! Page, updated with some new poems, and I'm dead tired. -plops head on laptop- And I have homework to do.. -cry-

3/10 -
Added the News and FAQs page.. Gawd I'm so tired, after spraining an ankle and gaining some bruises and cuts I'm beat. All I have for today, ciao!
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