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So, yew made yer way to mai pageh eh? -prods yew-
beware my art..make sure you haff a gas
mask and goggles just in case..some
of my drawings might burn yer
eyes off ^^; -shoves a gas mask down
your throat- gonna
check out the rest of mai page?
-yew die of suffacation- so?? o___O;

Terms and Conditions

((Mai Rules for you lesser minded people))

#1)ok, I honestly dun mind if yew use mai

piccies...but yew cannot edit my
piccies in any way, manner, OR
form..nor can yew erase my username from the
pic..and if yew wanna be kind, although this
isn't necessary, link back to this siteh thing..
#2)Yew cannot, I repeat,
cannot enter any of my pics in the beauty
contest without permission if you do this and
I catch you (trust me, I probably will..I
check out the new bc pics every
week..and yeah, I do haff a lot of free time..) you
will be frozen! if you don't
understand, lemme spell it out F-R-O-Z-E-N!!
#3)If you want one of the pics I've
already made, plze ask first (I like to know when
someone appreciates my work ;D) although
I'm not too serious about this
rule..but I'd really appreciate it ^^

P.S.I luff getting pics from people ^^

although please don't expect to get one back,
although I might if I'm not completely
overwhelmed wiff other things to do
=3 (although I usually am x__x)

About Me

Well, to start, I'm 13 and liff in New
York..I luff drawing and
wolves, tigers and birds of
prey and spend most of my
time on neopets..and..erm..
-scratches head- that's it ^^;


  • -cough- if yew click on a linkeh an' it
    doesn't work, jus' hold down 'alt' on your keyboard
    and press the back arrow ._. I dunno
    why it doesn't work too good..but I'll
    e-mail Angelfire an' ask 'em o.o