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Name: Alise Renee Halifax
Nickname: Vampire Queen (used by would-be tormentors)
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Caucasian with a dash of Hispanic
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 144 lbs
Body: lean, light muscled, sensual curves
Hair: blackest black, shoulder-length
Eyes: milk chocolate brown that darken or lighten with her mood
Appearance: Despite her wealthy background, Alise prefers the more “grungy” and comfortable look most teenagers wear. Alise has created her own style, with the only light-colored clothing she owns being white blouses and socks. Consequently, she also prefers the Goth-influenced jewelry that is widely popular with her middle-class peers. Alise is almost never seen without black eyeliner and dark red lipstick, something that caused her to earn the nickname of “Vampire Queen”.

Codename: Bloodspill
Powers: Induces temporary psychosis
Affiliated With: X-Men
Uniform: Sleeveless black “crop” top, matching black pants, calf-length black boots, fingerless forearm gloves, red belt with a triquetra for a buckle
Daytime Outfit 1: Black corest top with matching fingerless forearm gloves, heavy lace-up black boots, knee-length gray skirt
Daytime Outfit 2: White blouse, dark blue jeans, black slip-ons, spiky red heart choker
Daytime Outfit 3: Camoflauge jacket, black V-neck, blue jeans, black combat boots, black fingerless forearm gloves

Mother: Alexis Quinton Halifax
Father: Alejandro Rodriguez-Halifax
Siblings: Older brother, Gabriel Owen Halifax

Relationship: Her biological father was her mother’s third husband, a Mexican-born illegal immigrant who married to ensure his citizenship. Alejandro loved his daughter with all his heart despite the lack of affection Alexis showed her daughter. For seven years, Alise received equal portions of a caring father and an ice-cold mother.

Alexis divorced Alejandro when she discovered he was an illegal immigrant. Alejandro cared little for his (ex-) wife, but made sure she married someone who would treat Alise like a real daughter and not just some extra baggage. Amazingly enough, Alexis married Jonathon Halifax, an up-and-coming film director who loves Alise as if she was the daughter he never had.

In short, Alise hates her mother while admiring the cold and calculating way the older woman handles her business. At the same time, Alise loves both her biological father and her stepfather with all of her heart.

Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza
Least Favorite Food: Almost any kind of vegetable
Favorite Subject: Drama
Least Favorite Subject: English
Favorite Color: black or red
Favorite Musician/Band: Moby
Favorite Hangout: the Institute

Strengths: making friends, ignoring her tormentors, revenge, making peace between others
Weaknesses: Hershey’s Milk Chocolate, a stack of movies with a rainy day, Jello

Hobbies: reading, eating, swimming, taking long walks, going for a ride on her Harley Davidson motorcycle, being with friends

Personality: Alise is generally a caring person even with the millions, if not billions, of dollars behind her name. She makes time for a friend in need, and offers help whenever she can. However, she is extremely ambitious, even going so far as to put others at risk in order to get what she wants. She has an amazing memory, withholding facts about her enemies for months or years at a time. You don’t want to get on Alise’s bad side; her revenge is fast and deadly, crippling whatever you consider most important.

With her mother being an untrained mutant who can produce small jolts of electricity, it was no surprise when Alise began exhibiting signs of powers at age 7. Alexis Halifax, heiress of her father’s multi-million dollar fortune, quickly enrolled in her in the best schools money could pay. She entrusted the girl’s mutant training to her now-ex-husband, Alejandro.

Alejandro taught his daughter to focus and to channel her power, allowing her to practice on him for short amounts of time. Alise could completely control her power by age 13, something that she owed to both her biological father and her new step dad, Jonathon.

After months of talking, Jonathon convinced Alexis to send her only daughter to New York to the Institute. In Jonathon’s eyes, it would do Alise a world of good to be around others who also possess unusual “skills”.

© Alise Eberwin