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Eric Hoffman: a leader on the sports field...and a leader on the dance floor


Jon Desenberg & Amy Wolberg (Butte)


Paula and Jim Sherman


Kris Morrison (Beloungea)


Tearing up the dance floor


Riki Scott (I think that's Laura Stanley (Peterson) behind her)



Dave Nowak and Stacy Arsht (Fox), Amy King (Nowak) sitting


Shawn Popp & Barb Farley


Sam Marra, Kim Marra, Karen Schoessler, Kurt Farley


Mike Walters, Tim Bullock, Mark Earle (BHS '85)



Bahaa Qasawa and Barb Auger (Dawson)


Scott Werner and Jennifer Kirkland


Ari Davis


Todd Ackerman and Shannon Hunt (Shanebrook)


Brian Willcock


Kurt Brandstadt talks to Debbi Cheney (Stanley) & Spouses


Jill Schumacher and Karen Chalk (Mendham)


Peter Meyer and ???,???



Rich Baum and Shawn Milmine


Sue Thomas (Nigg)


Leslie Masters, her date, and the DJ


Class of 86 dances up a storm


Kurt Farley


Hanging out


??? Not sure who these folks are


Beth Rubin snaps a photo, while Cheryl Stutzman (Mazza) looks on


Beth Rubin


Jennifer Kirkland and Liz Weisberg


Jill Schumacher, Liz Eisenberg (Fields), Marc Pearlman


Jill and Liz


??? and Jennifer Vandenbroucke


Berkley Bear Football Reunion: Jim McBride, Jon Davidson, Jeff Duncan, Mike Myziuk, Dennis Hermani


Shawn and Michelle Milmine

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