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Lexi Sucks!

Double Whopper lol

I think maybe 1 out of 17 students in our class would say that Lexi is cool. The funny thing is that 1 out of 17 student in the U.S. are diagnosed with down syndrom, HAHA. Lexi's nickname is Double Whopper, which meens whore. This website will be mostly filled up with conversations that she has had in the past with me and my friends. Here is a known fact about Lexi. Did you know that other than one person in our class Lexi has gone the farthest with a guy. She once told me that she thought about krista (another female) in sexual ways. What a freak.

Here is a convo that i had with Lexi. The date was 5/12/05 InTooDeep066: you wanna know what i think it quite funny

Lvss2009: huh

InTooDeep066: you were ballin your ass of at the last dance because you missed D (so you say) but now that he dumps you your being a smartass about it.......so i am guessing the "crying" was just an attention getter right

Lvss2009: i wasnt "ballin my ass off" at the dance, and i was cryin because of other reasons. and for two.. i still care about him, i just think he was an ass about the whole thing

Lvss2009: so yeah.

Lvss2009: now what do you think is funny?

InTooDeep066: oh i know

InTooDeep066: you aint a whopper anymore

Lvss2009: why's that?

InTooDeep066: cause know you are the double whopper

InTooDeep066: ally is the regular whopper

Lvss2009: its kinda funny how i can be a whore yet i've never had sex..

InTooDeep066: yeah but you have got closest to other than molly now havnt you

Lvss2009: no.. actually i haven

Lvss2009: t

InTooDeep066: oh really

Lvss2009: i havent done anything more than kissing

Lvss2009: and the whole retarded boob thing..

InTooDeep066: and you talk to people about you masterbating and watchin porn and stuff

Lvss2009: bull shit

Lvss2009: when?

Lvss2009: someone got on my screenname a few times and said shit.. and it was pry you

InTooDeep066: i wouldnt waste my time ruinging your reputaition.....cause you already dont have a very good one

Lvss2009: yeah, because of stupid fucking rumors

InTooDeep066: bull shit they are pry all true

Lvss2009: alright.. you don't even know me... so you really need to keep your mouth shut

Lvss2009: if they were true, i wouldnt be pissed.. because then i WOULD be a whore.. but none of them are

InTooDeep066: bull shit

Lvss2009: how would you fucking know?

InTooDeep066: cause it all just seems like you

Lvss2009: well you don't know anything about me, so you really should just shut the fuck up

InTooDeep066: yeah i do

InTooDeep066: i know your a slut

Lvss2009: you obviously dont know the definition of a slut.. because to be a slut, you have to have sex.. and i dont

Lvss2009: and never have

InTooDeep066: no a slut is a female that has people touching her and shit

InTooDeep066: you've had 3 guys grab up your shit

InTooDeep066: you ran down a street with no top....

Lvss2009: I DID NOT

InTooDeep066: you didnt do what

Lvss2009: go down the street topless

InTooDeep066: bull shit....you even told me that during reading

InTooDeep066: in person

Lvss2009: when?

InTooDeep066: awhile ago.....like in the second quarter you said you did it in grundy

Lvss2009: and plus... girls can have their shirts off in front of other girls.. it happens every day in the locker rooms

InTooDeep066: you said you had nothing on to cover your boobs

Lvss2009: i had my bra... and like i said.. it was in the middle of nowhere.. it was a joke.. it was just me and some other girls

Lvss2009: nobody saw me

InTooDeep066: when then you were either lieing during reading or your lieing now cause you said you had nothing to cover the boobs

Lvss2009: whatever

InTooDeep066: yeah

InTooDeep066: and another thing is that while tenney was going out with someone you told he could come over and finger you

Lvss2009: yeah.. another rumor

InTooDeep066: omg bull shit you told me that

Lvss2009: so you need to know the facts before you go sayin shit

InTooDeep066: no never mind you didnt tell me that

InTooDeep066: chrisitian was at his house and chrisiain and noble were acting like colin

InTooDeep066: or something like that

Lvss2009: like i said.. another rumor

InTooDeep066: lol just admit it you are the biggest slut in our class

InTooDeep066: and if you dont think so who would be

Lvss2009: there arent any people in our class that have a lot of sex

Lvss2009: so there arent any sluts

InTooDeep066: a slut doesnt have to have sex to be a slut

InTooDeep066: they just got to do sexual stuff even if it is just talking

Lvss2009: thats not the definition

InTooDeep066: omg you are such a fucking dumbass......double whopper

Lvss2009 signed off at 5:45:00 PM.

.. ..



... This next convo is between Lexi and a person that would like to stay unknown. and just incase you didnt know the first topic is about Porno.

Lvss2009: i used to have some.. but DONT TELL ANYONE cuz only a few people know that

Unknow Person: of girls

Unknow Person: or guys

Unknow Person: hello

Unknow Person: r u there

Unknow Person: girls or guys

Lvss2009: guys

Unknow Person: wat

Unknow Person: nasty

Lvss2009: well some had girls in it.. but yeah

Lvss2009: usually it was both..

Unknow Person: thats good

Unknow Person: the girl part

Lvss2009: lol

Lvss2009: lol

Unknow Person: y did u look that stuff up

Unknow Person: did u .............

Lvss2009: idk...

Unknow Person: u can tell me

Lvss2009: did i what?

Unknow Person: o u know wat i am talking about

Unknow Person: m........

Unknow Person: i cant say it case my sis or mom walks in

Lvss2009: oo.. lol.. that?

Lvss2009: a couple times.. i guess

Lvss2009: but DONT TELL A SOUL

Unknow Person: yeah i wont

Lvss2009: k

Unknow Person: and wat grade were u in

Lvss2009: last year

Unknow Person: and hand or other objects

Lvss2009: and some of this

Lvss2009: lol.. fingers:-[





. This Next Convo would be between Marissa and Lexi on MSN Messenger. !*TERRY*! is Marissa and *lexi* is, well of course the WHOPPER.


.. !*TERRY*! says: that makes u look like a whore

*Lexi* says: what does?

!*TERRY*! says: ur dp

*Lexi* says: krista has a sticker of it

!*TERRY*! says: where

*Lexi* says: she had one on her phone, and her tanning sticker was one, or is.. im not sure

!*TERRY*! says: but ur still one anyways

*Lexi* says: how?

!*TERRY*! says: from the stuff i ahve heard

*Lexi* says: rumors

!*TERRY*! says: o and jenna shurtleff for u to keep ur underwear in ur pants

!*TERRY*! says: and i dont think they r

!*TERRY*! says: i think they r true

*Lexi* says: well thats ur opinion

!*TERRY*! says: well maybe u should try to be a normal person and dont shows peeps ur underwear or aroundw tih ur clothes off and not ttry to be a whore so much and maybe peeps will like u

*Lexi* says: my clothes off, what the hell?

!*TERRY*! says: in gc or whtever

*Lexi* says: yeah, pretty sure i've never had my clothes off in front of anyone other than like.. girls.. and i've never had my underwear off.. doyle just says stuff like that

!*TERRY*! says: well u show peeps ur underwear and they really dont like seeing that

!*TERRY*! says: but seriously do u no how many peeps dislike u in highschool

!*TERRY*! says: but u think that they r ur friends

*Lexi* says: and you dont know how many dont like you.. so i guess we're even

!*TERRY*! says: im sure they do ur jsut saying that

!*TERRY*! says: name soem who dont liek e

*Lexi* says: you name some who dont like me, and that i think do

!*TERRY*! says: u first

*Lexi* says: y?

!*TERRY*! says: caus eim sure all the peeps u name so arent true

*Lexi* says: alright

*Lexi* says: there are people and most of them dont want me to tell you cuz they think you'll go psyco

!*TERRY*! says: whtever

!*TERRY*! says: ur jsut trying to be stupdi because u cant even name any

*Lexi* says: okay

!*TERRY*! says: yea whtever

!*TERRY*! says: bye whopper





. If you have anything to add or say just post it in the guestbook. If you have had a convo with her that you would like to share I.M. me, my screen name is In Too Deep066 or email me at Doyle66@mchsi.com