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Welcome to Ancestry Shared Connections!

Census ,Surnames , birth and marriage records added daily , check back often to review new additions

This site is to help online researchers contribute and retrieve data on specific surnames.

How does this work: you can search Ancestry Shared Connections database for the relatives or people on your search list.

You can enter your family specific surnames ,although entering Surnames is not required , you may just choose to search the Data-base of names.
This is a fast,simple way to match - share or compare your search to others genealogy research. Stay and look as long as you wish. Ancestry Shared Connections click to JOIN now only$12.95

Post by surname and State
"I would advise against posting your email addresses.
Spammers send out robots to web sites for the purpose of getting email addresses."

I hope you find my service useful. The cost of $12.95 is very reasonable when compared to other in genealogy research.

Ancestry Shared Connections does not have connections to the names submitted to this site.

Ancestry Shared Connections is not a Web site offering so called "free stuff" " free Surname search or come - on bull as promotions that begin with low membership fee and after you join suggest you pay a hundred or so dollars for the good information. We have a membership fee of $12.95 and thats all .We have a solid census database. stay and look at the data-base as long and as many times as you wish.