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Basically, this is a webpage that I am trying to create in order to stave off summer insanity and mental degradation. This site will be my first, so please be careful as you wade through the messy code and simplistic layout.

What exactly is "Zagara"? Well, telling you would involve taking you back in time several years, back to a time when you got lost roaming the halls, you could serve detention during lunch, and the experience of not having a teacher constantly over your shoulder was the image of heaven. Ah, yes -- freshman year. I was a Dragon Ball Z junkie during this time. One day my obsession and overactive imagination decided to join forces, and I began to write a story.

This story involved an alien woman and her past -- namely her prince, Vegita-sama. It was filled with angst, and drama, and passion -- all those things that growing girls dream of. I had the character; I had the plot; All I needed was a name. So I began thinking. I was in the shower and I was thinking of foreign-sounding names. For some reason, my mind sounded out the name "Zagara" and liked how it rang in the ears. Since then, I've used her name as my name online, thus part of her transmuting into me.

But wait! The story isn't over! A few months back I began to enter the Italian chats in ICQ. I did so as to see if my Latin 3 capabilities translated over at all into modern day Italian. It didn't work, but I did find out something interesting. Zagara was not just some random word that meant nothing. In fact, it was the word that stood for "orange blossom" in the Italian language! What are the chances of that?

I suppose this is as good a time as any to explain part of what I believe. I don't think that the incident with my name is any coincidence. I believe that everything we label as that is really the signature of God and the Universe, showing us he's there. It's a beautiful script when you see it.

Because I have nothing better to do, here's some of my better writing. Most of it is posted online on my diary, but this way you don't have to wade through all the normal "this is what is going on and blah-blah-blah..." entries.

Now! Onto the links!

I am no longer training in Reneau's Yoshukai Karate, due to personal time constraints. The people in this organization are still amazing, so if you are in an area with one of the dojo's, drop on by and see them!

The Free Open Diary This is the site that hosts my online diary. Frankly, the service lately has sucked (I can't post any new entries for some unknown reason, and sometimes write notes), but I've been with them for three years and many of my friends are here, so I don't know if I want to move yet. Go here to find out more about me than you probably ever want to know.

Free Open Diary Sucks. I'm using a new posting service for now, and I'm cheating at the html ^_^. Yay!

Jonathan Cainer is god. ^_^ No, really! He's absolutely brilliant. After being shown his website by Em, I began to see how accurate the boy can be. It can get a bit scary at times, but if you are looking for some good astrological advice and/or insight, you're in for a treat.

Do you like anime and/or manga? If the answer is yes (or even if it's no) The Anipike is one of the best, most comprehensive resources on the 'net. From Sailor Moon to ::shudder:: Pokemon to Kite, fanart to fanfiction to fanclubs, it's all here.

Speaking of manga, let me introduce you to a web-comic that I've been reading for over a year. Go there for crazy room-mates, warring consciouses, and advanced gaming technology.

Eeeeeeeee-Maaaaaaaail Meeeeee! (if you want ^_^)