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Yliopistokatu 16 A 809 - 812

...the yellow penthouse...the foreign girls' flat...a place where spiders and tonttus run amuck...a weekend haven for ogres (with onion-like personalities nonetheless!)...knitting clubs...juhlas...compulsive Finnish labeling (even the shower didn't escape a nametag)...endless pulla in the oven and in your stomach...and forever haunted by the ghost of Oskari.... 
Tervetuloa Keltaiseen Taloon!!!

Semester I
Semester II

SemesterI                                                                                      .
Helsingin Tuomiokirkko ~ Sightseeing with relatives in Helsinki on my first day in Finland
Temppeli Aukio ~ Helsinki's underground church
The Jean Sibelius Organ Memorial in Helsinki
Yliopistokatu! Arrival to Oulu 1 September 2001
View of Pykkösjärvi from my room on the 8th floor of the Yellow Penthouse
In the Oulu forest ~ picking puolukkaa, Lindsay and Jennifer
Ozzies Sez and Shaz
Chillin' at Mira's the night before my birthday
Lindsay's 19th
My first Finnish snow in Kuusamo...  September 29th!!!
In a private museum with rukinlapoja (thing for a spinning wheel) and other artifacts from Pohjanmaa
With my Tandem Partner, Eeva-Maija, in the best restaurant in Tallinn, Estonia
Shannon's birthday on the beach under the Koff umbrella
Mira and Milla's 20th
The birth of OSKARI!!!!!
Finnish viking
International Halloween 1 ~ The gang...
Some more Halloween-goers
Tom and Chris the pirate and saunamies, respectively
Stella Polaris' first exhibition ~ Junior Short Program
Stella Polaris ~ Eka Valintakilpailu (First Qualifying Competition) in Helsinki
Walking around Kuivasjärvi ~ Mira, Jennifer, Shannon, Sarah
Playing Afrikan Tähti in Café Bisketti
In front of NeliViitonen with matching Marimekko
Terve Mates 2001: Jennifer, Saída, Lindsay, Shannon, Sarah
A day in the Finnish sun for... Avanto Uinti (ice swimming) at Tuira
Reindeer at Santa's Village in Rovaniemi on the Arctic Circle
Arctic Circle!
Ready for Pikku Joulu at 45
Chillin' at the Pikku Joulu at 45 Special
Two and 1/2 Spanish... at the Spanish-Finnish Navidad-Joulu
Lindsay and Maria at the Toinen Valintakilpailu (second qualifying competition) ~ Kuopio
Neighbors of the 8th floor, yellow building
Jenniferi ja Sarah Caiossa
Don't eat the gingerbread house yet, Shannon!!!
Our lovely Christmas tree... that "lived" to see May 2002
Tonttus and spiders on our Spanish beach!
Pikku Joulu on Yliopistokatu!
Syksy Terve Mates 2001 ~ showing off the shirts!
Guests Tommi, Diego, Fran, Monse and Peter at our Pikku Joulu
Killi and her Äiti
Siesta!!!! (too much Joulu...)
Lapland and -28 degrees Celcius!
Returning from chopping the Christmas tree
The real santa went to Nivunkijärvi ~ not Kemi ;)
Kaamos! ...the period of time in Lapland during the winter when the sun never rises above the horizon
Visiting the husky farm
Chilling with the Oulu Poliisi on New Year's Eve
Euroavaus! Switching from the Finnish markka to the euro on New Year's 2002
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SemesterII                                                       .
Our new Russian flatmates arrive! Tervetuloa!
Shannon and Lindsay
Stella Polaris skates an exhibition
Getting ready to skate the free program...
Stellat in front of the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France ~ en route to the French Cup in Rouen
A random building in Paris
Kaisa in Rouen
Stellat ~ after the short program in Rouen
Kaisa and Lindsay
Sauna tanssi in the stands... showing the suomalainen spirit
Another scene from my room
One of our smaller dinner parties...
Happy Birthday Olga!!!
A day downtown for some skating
Linz, Sai and Speltincx check out the Sampo ice-breaker boat in Kemi
Sai de-maturing in the pallomeri at the Kemi Snowcastle
Three in the honeymoon suite at the Lumi Linna Hotel?????
Church in Kemi
A Friday night of dancing at the Radisson SAS
Halloween and a Half!!! (April 13th) ...Katerina, Lindsay, Anne, Tomás, Saída, Olga and Natasha ... and the ghost of Oskari in his prime!!!
Terrorist, doctor, Mexican, maid, angel, eggplant and Saami...
Yliopistokatu's Angels: Sai - red, Massimo - white, Natash - black
Dancing Angels?
Un movimiento sexy ~ Spanish dancing consumes the night!
A night of formal Taboo
Traffic in Lapland
Demonstration of traditional Saami reindeer husbandry techniques, Inari
A Saami kota, Inari
Rebecca and Jennifer at our cabin in Inari
Pykkösjärvi again from my window
Mummo ja Isoisä come to visit Oulu ... pulla time!!
Sporting the haalarit in preparation for... VAPPU!!!!
Vappu Aato ~ Vappu Eve ... Lindsay and Mira in Ainola Puisto
The Fuksi Kaste ~ baptisms for the first year technical students
Vappu Eve continues... preparing for an evening of madness...
Vappu party at Ulla's
Vappu Day at the Rotuaari ~ Mira and Lindsay ... such a beautiful Finnish day!
Hietasaari beach
Our archaeological excavation in Yli-Ii at the Kierikki Keskus
Sauna tytöt: Linz, Sai, Z
Spanish chicas Enara, Junkal, Saída, Sabela and Veronica
Crazy fiesta-ing at Sai's wicked mad crazy Spanish party!!
More craziness at the fiesta
Sai leaves Oulu
Lindsay, Zharina, Zdenka at Zharina's for sauna and Czech dinner á la Zdenka
Savonlinna's Olavilinna
A few exchange students left at Caio
A Juhannus (midsummer) sauna at Raudanjoki
Lake in Raudanjoki
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Travels...  RussiaTParisTLaplandTBaltic StatesTIberia

Russia                                                                      .
Catherine's Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia
PECTOPAH ~ Crazy experience while trying to order dinner in a Russian restaurant on our first night in St. Pete's
Statue of Peter the Great ~ St. Pete's
Spas Na Krovi ~ Resurrection of Christ Church ~ St. Pete's
Winter Palace ~ Meng, Paco, Rafa, Zdenka and Lindsay in front of the Hermitage Museum, St. Pete's
The Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
The Kremlin, Moscow
Party in Moscow! Ale, Linz, Bea, Petra, Mario, Nicola, Rafa, Chimo, Paco, Zdenka and Natalia
World War II memorial, St. Petersburg
Castle in Viipuri, Karjala ~ Vyeborg, Karelia, Russia
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Paris                                                                                 .
Olga and Kate in front of a fountain in Paris, France
Lindsay and Ondra hanging around the head sculpture in front of Perse Park...
L'Arc de Triomphe
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Lapland                                                                     .
Straddling the Arctic Circle ~ Pello, Finland
Kilpisjärvi is frozen!! (May 31st)
Winding road among the fjords in northern Norway
City of Tromsø, Norway
Gnarly arctic birches ~ on an island off the coast of Tromsø, Norway
Island off the coast of Tromsø, Norway ... where we caught a bunch of cod for dinner in the Arctic Ocean
Norwegian fjords
Kvæmangsfjel... among the fjords en route to Nordkapp
Tundra landscape
Nordkapp, Norway! The northern-most point in Europe: 71º 10' 21" N
The edge of the world (really!)... North Pole straight ahead!!
Midnight sun in Inari, Finland
Lindsay, Lucy, Zharina and Fay in front of the wooden church ~ Sodankylä, Finland
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Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania                                    .
Entering Vanalinn, Tallinn, Estonia ~ the Great Coast Gate and Fat Margaret bastion (Paks Margareeta) in Old Town
Tallinn's rooftops
Vanalinn Päevad (Old Town days) celebration with kantele playing
Riga, Latvia
Russian Orthodox Cathedral ~ Riga, Latvia
Cathedral in Vilnius, Lithuania
Vilnius, Lithuania
Gedimino Kalnas (Gediminas Hill), upper castle's tower ~ Vilnius, Lithuania
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Spain, Morocco & Portugal                                  .
Mercat Sant Josep "Boqueria" ~ La Rambla, Barcelona, Spain (Catalunya)
Port Vell (Old Port) ~ Barcelona
La Rambla del Mar in Port Vell ~ Barcelona
1992 Summer Olympic Torch, Mt. Montjüic, Barcelona
A constipated street performer, La Rambla, Barcelona
Even the statues go all out for International Gay/Lesbian Weekend...
La Plaza de Toros, Valencia
Tracy in Valencia
Fuente (Fountain) in the Plaza de Ayuntamiento, Valencia
A buena vista en route...
Palacio de Comunicaciones, Madrid
La Plaza Mayor ~ King Felipe III on his horse, Madrid
Paco shows us around Madrid
Sisters at an Arabian summer palace in Morocco
Cave of Hercules, northern Moroccan coast
Lindsay rides a camel
Lindsay in a fez...
Moroccan Flags, Tanger
Tanger's mosque
A view of Gibraltar from La Línea, Spain
Plaza de España, Sevilla, Spain
Rooftops in Lisbon, Portugal
Lindsay and Tracy atop Castelo de S. Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal
Lindsay and a Portuguese navigator
Tracy and the boys
Lindsay, Tracy, Sai... in the cemetary, above Marqués de Comillas ~ Comillas, Spain
Sai and Trace at the Magdalena, Santander, Spain
La Cordillera Cantábrica
Trace, Linz, Sai... suvivors of the death-defying telesférico ride in Fuente Dé, Spain
Fuente Dé
San Vincente de la Barquera ~ visiting Fran
Linz, Sai and Perrito in Bilbao, Spain
The Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain
Chicas latinas ~ Z, Linz, Sai
Sai and don camello in Cantabria's largest zoo
One last Asereje... Suances, Spain
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By:  Linz~
(1/2 Finnish, 1/2 Spanish, 1/2 American)
27 September 2002