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Wolves Playground

This is the page of the Misfits In Action Forever Known as the MIA !
You can find all Clan related material here.

Important Announcements

10/28/03 JarretFan: ALL 21st Century players starting Next Monday can access their KOC accounts at these times
Monday: 4:30 - 4:40 5:50-6:00 ( 10 minutes to Spend Gold Only Then must Return back to study time)
Tuesday: 4:30 - 6:00 ( Account access open all day till 21rst Century finish's)
Wedsday: 4:30 - 4:40 5:50-6:00 ( 10 minutes to Spend Gold Only Then must Return back to study time)
Thursday: 4:30 - 6:00 ( Account access open all day till 21rst Century finish's)
Friday: No 21rst Century -------------------------------------
Saturdays the possibility of Computer Lab being open so the Clan can get together click unique links on all of the computers, team up to Sabatosh, and Exchange info, this idea is being considered.
10/28/03 WolvesRevenge2: We are Preparing for Age 3, Please do not Create a New account without asking the Alliance. The Reasons are we are creating a Branch system. After it is decided who will be placed under who. We shall ask what is your desired username and who would you like to be under.
11/11/03 WolvesRevenge2: Some of you may have noticed you attacked "Lord_gollem" 5 times. Lord_gollem sabatoshed JericoWalkamile severly without cause who is a member of our Alliance. By Attacking him he attackd us all. And as members of the Alliance it may become Nessary to protect ourselves. If you have been Sabd without reason in general or have became attackd/sabd By Lord_gollem contact WolvesRevenge2 IMMEDIATLY for retaliation.
11/16/03 WolvesRevenge2: Congradulations All, 2 days after the Strike on Lord_gollem he lost 900,000 defese. and 50 soldiers. Please hold off all attacks on the target untill further intructions.
11/17/03 Serpentsmile77: Theres alot of people that are on this list that we have that arnt clicking any computers...I dont want to have to click them because there benifiting from those that do click when they do nothing.
WolvesRevenge2 replys : I like this idea, less people to click. And if there not checking the website then they wont notice that there not on the list. However, being apart of the clan gives you more soldiers, and the retaliation of the clan on your side. Dont you think it be less apealing to someone to join if they dont get that extra soldier as well?
Serpentsmile77: Well, when they join they get put on the list so they will get more soldiers.But if you find out there not clicking you take them off. So it would still be apealing for those to join because they WOULD get soldiers.
SpecialEd1987 replys: If you give a little you get back ten fold.
11/17/03 WolvesRevenge2: The idea's of the list have now been put into effect. There are 40 names to click and this is way to many.Please identify if you are clicking the names by contacting WolvesRevenge2 otherwise starting at the end of thanksgiving break certain names will be removed. They will be put back on the list if you start clicking again.
11/18/03 WolvesRevenge2: We now have our own Forum
hosted by Any questions Clan/Alliance related may be posted there instead of on this crude website.
NOTE TO ALL: If you have a question or comment related to the Clan please contact WolvesRevenge2.

Unique Links

Please Click these Links when you have the chance. Those that have a * by there name have proven that they click at least 1 computer per day or they have less then 100 soldiers.GREAT NEWS! We now have our own Clicklist
and Recruiter. This will cut clicking time in half!

  • JarrettFan*
  • WolvesRevenge2*
  • PLuG_*
  • Maco12*
  • MIASpartanIII*
  • Capinthehat*
  • Killermanguy*
  • Midget4Ever*
  • WolvesAdvocate2*
  • Shadowmas_s*
  • RealBakes
  • SerpentSmile77*
  • NateDawg86*
  • PacHawk*
  • Bullman*
  • Draftman*
  • Geo-King*
  • Geo_King3*
  • BigFellow*
  • SpecialEd1987*
  • CoonDizzle*
  • Ballplayer86*
  • Toxicdizzle16*
  • Mustang2002*
  • Mustang2003
  • Blackhawk412*
  • Cowboy96027*
  • Raiderman96027*
  • Kenstuff*
  • Mustang_43*
  • Sky14
  • TheWisestOne*
  • ChaoticSpys*
  • Stoner19892000*
  • JerichoWalkamile*

    Unique Links For Allied Clans

    These are our friends please click there links too and im sure they'll return the favor

  • l_shadows_l
  • slipknot-fan
  • God-of-fury
  • Shadows_regenerated
  • Theodon-king
  • Lord-of-ass-wipe
  • FrEaK_0f_NaTUre
  • Lord-of-the-nazgul
  • Dark_Necrofear
  • Don_Zaloog
  • Spirit_Reaper

    Message Service

    If you have a Messanger (Aim, Msn, Yahoo, ETC...) see if one of the below users is availible online to Help you with any questions you may have about the Clan/Koc Website.

    WolvesRevenge2 Jarretfan

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