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Celebrate Life!


Celebrate Life!

            the living, breathing joy of it

            moonlight skipping on lakeshore waves

            butterflies sundancing on evening breeze

Celebrate Life!

            the sharing, caring heart of it

            nights spent warm in your lover’s embrace

            sleep-stirred dreams made memory when you awake

Celebrate Life!

            the creating, embracing spirit of it

            joyous laughter rings through the night

            eternal music song-seared on your soul



                        Celebrate Life!





endless circles cycle round

life and love and death and life

each One choosing paths to walk

teaching, learning lessons on

endless circles cycle round





I am a dancer in my secret life

            a musician of movement.

            My leaps and twirls are notes of joy

            as I celebrate my life.

            My only audience

            is the love that dances with me

In my secret dancer’s heart.




Gazing out the window

            I see the trees in all their splendour. Hear

            the leaves whispering secrets to each other. Each one

displaying the colors of life.

One breaks free, floating on the breeze to the windowsill.

I pick it up, feeling in its rough-smooth softness

            the eternal paradox of nature.





Like pieces of a broken Ming vase

once priceless beauty – now worthless dust

just colorful shards on the floor

And the Janitor comes with his big broom and sweeps away the pieces

            of my broken









All rambles are copyright 2003 by T Stafford (Windborn Designs)