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August 10th, 2003
Here to stay.
Thursday, July 24, 2003
We think the game is coming out for Beta in November and most of us in the guild probably don't check the site often but it's bussiness as normal on my end. Those of you who know me know this by now, the rest, I normaly build the site from offline until I'm satisfied with it; shortly after that (5 mins) it's up and running for everyone to see. Check news to find out what's going on with Clan/Site/Game related topic as I'm starting my updates soon and shall have a lot to put into that area.

!!Also the hunt for a high quality Human Viking pic similiar to our Dwarven Link Master is still on!!

Wooo hoo! coming together nicely ain't it boys and girls?
Send concerns and suggestions here:
Asgrim Gamalsson
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