Born 21/3-00 Dead 28/3-02
It is the 28.March 2002, God was looking
from his great, high heaven,looking down
earth and his eye fell on Yorker.
Yorker was just joyfuly playing with the
other dogs.
God watched him for a while and then
called one of his angels.It was a tall,
bright angel, who was called Death!
God said:” Go down to earth and find Yorker”
Go down Death, and bring him back to me.
Death didn´t say a world.
It looks like he thought:
Why Yorker?
He is still so very young?
But he knows that God always has a special
reason, even if we could not always
He knows that all creatures have their own
time on earth.
Everything is only as a loan and only for a
special time.
He felt, in the case of Yorker-it was only a very
short time but absolutely wonderful and
the same as for those people who
are fortunate
to have him during his time.
So death rode down though heaven´s Pearly
past suns and moons and stars.
Yorker turned his eyes and looked away,
He saw what none of us could see.
He saw Death coming like a falling star.
But Death didn´t frighten Yorker,
he looked
to him like a good old friend.
Yorker thought “I am going home”.
He closed his eyes.
Death took him like a baby, soft and gentle
And brought him back-back home.
A golden heart stopped beating
He is now at peaceful rest.
God broke our heart to prove us
He only takes the best