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The Traditional Campers & Recreational Users Association of Tasmania Inc. was formed late December 1998 (incorporated February 1999) as a result of public consultation on a Parks & Wildlife Service draft management plan for the Waterhouse Conservation Area in the north east of Tasmania.
Threatened, real or imagined attacks by coastal environmental groups on traditional camping saw eight hundred and twenty, first, second, third and fourth generation traditional campers form and join the Association in an effort to protect their Cultural Heritage and recreational free range camping throughout the State.
Five years on the Association is financially sound and maintains a strong membership base throughout the state. The membership is fully aware of and meets the attacks that are mounted by extreme environmental groups seeking closure of campsites/campgrounds or introduction of practices that impact on traditional camping.
The Association, in partnership with the Parks & Wildlife Service, is building an environmentally sound composting toilet at Little Musselroe Bay, it is interesting to note that "Birds Tasmania" and "Coastcare" (both objectors to traditional camping in the area) have not offered a contribution financially or physically to the environmentally sound project.

The Bay of fires area continues to be well patronised by interstate visitors and new campsites have been established despite the actions of the extreme environmental groups to stop work on their establishment.
Above all, members will continue to protect our Traditional and Cultural Heritage and our right to Traditional Free Range Camping no matter where the attack comes from!

Traditional Campers & Recreational Users Association of Tasmania Inc.