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The Brother's Fraternity
Pledge | Red Faction | Grey Faction | Clubs | Godfather News

The Fraternity

The Brother's Fraternity is dedicated to giving underclassmen something to lean on. The Godfathers remember how hard it was to find someone you could trust with your deepest secrets. So because of this they have created a place where underclassmen can go to receive help and give help. Every member is equal and has the same rights.


Safety in the fraternity is guaranteed. If you show respect to fellow members they will show it back. Give respect and respect is earned, that is one of our rules. Red faction is the protection of the fraternity and it will always come to the aid of our members no matter what the circumstances.


The Factions are what makes up the Fraternity. The fraternity is protected by Red Faction which will always come to the aid of any member. Whether you be a slug or one the Godfathers. Grey Faction is more of service faction. This is where 70% of the orgnization is held. All group get togethers and functions are first approved by Grey Faction. The Leaders of Red and Grey factions are Ultimate Priest Reliford or simply Trey. He heads of Red faction. Ultimate Priest Carter heads Grey Faction. The fraternity trusts both of these brothers and holds them in the utmost respect. During fraternity activities all respect will be given to these individuals. The Factions will conduct themselves together but will have different duties.