

A large update for this site.  It includes two new sections in the slash portion of this site.  Harry Potter Slash and The Rundown Slash.  Both have awesome fics in them.  I also updated with a lot of fics in the Beastmaster Slash, Andromeda Slash, and Angel/Buffy Slash sections.  All in all a very large update.  Fics by authors The Tenth Muse, Michele, Velvet Crypt, and Layla.  I would list them...but I'm feeling kind of lazy after all this updating.  Have a good day everyone!


Now that I'm back in school I'll have a chance to work on my site!  I've upgraded my Angelfire account, so there will be no more annoying freakin' ads everywhere.  What was up with that?  Honestly...do you need ads EVERYWHERE?  So, anyway.  Update is small, 'cause I'm tired.  Three new fics from Calic0cat in the Gundam Wing Yaoi section.  Coming Home, Escape, and Home.  Very good stories.



Added a shit load of links on the Master Link Page.  I hope everyone enjoys the wonderful sites I've added!


A new author, Ashkara, has been added to the Gundam Wing Yaoi section with many of her awesome fics.  The ones on this site include, A Wufei Chang Christmas, Back to Life, Eyes of a Dragon, Happy Holidays, The Nobody That Is Me, Saying Thank You, Surviving the Peace, The Watcher, and the Orphanage series.  Also fixed some font problems in some parts of the site, hopefully making those parts a little easier to read.  Please e-mail me if you have trouble reading some of the fics.  I'll eventually go through the older ones and make sure that they are in my current format, but we'll see how far that goes.  New fics comming soon.  Until then.  



Opened the Star Wars Slash Archive finally with four new authors.  Anastasia has 7 new fics, Artemis has 1, Marie has 1, and Meercat has 2.  Some pages have been tweaked a bit to look better.  That's it for now.



Updated the DragonBallZ Yaoi section.  Hieimaru's four fics have been posted there, they are called, Complete, Too Live Again, Just Too Sexy, and Simple Pleasures.  Expect more to come for that section.  Enjoy.



Updated the Gundam Wing Yaoi section.  There is a new and awesome fic by Calic0cat called Anytime.  There is also a new author, babaca and many of her fics.  They include: Crimson Moon, Morning Light, Payback, Another Day, Examination, Envy You?, The Babysitter, Ever Wonder, Heero Worship, Setting Things Right, Matchmaker, and Timing Good and Otherwise.



Updated my section with a new part of Dragon Wars.  Oh it's very exciting.



Two updates in one day, that's got to be a record.  I updated Calic0cat's Life with Heero parts 30-40 and two more fics by her, Chances and Breaking Rule Number One.  Those fics can be found in the Gundam Wing Yaoi Section.  I also updated a part of Coldfire's fic Ryo Sanada in the Ronin Warriors' Het Section



Sorry for the large lapse between updates.  College is eating me I swear.  Three author updates today in the Gundam Wing Yaoi section.  Adding of two authors, Agent Midnight and AlantisB.  Agent Midnight with 11 fics and AlantisB with 2 fics (one is a series).  More to come.  Along with the Pirates of the Carribean Slash and Star Wars Slash I've been promising.  Who knows, maybe more.  :)



Nothing too big.  Just a little bit of a revamp of my site.  Got rid of some of the text size problems, I'll find the rest later.  Got rid of the artwork site for now because of emptiness.  I'll reopen it if anyone sends me anything for it.  Also finally put up the about page finally.  Next update will have Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Wars Slash.  I have them, but they're not formatted right now.  Ja.


Long time since the last update, but I've been really busy with work and college.  My professors need to stop assigning me 6 fucking essays in the same week.  It was fucking insane!  Calic0cat's Life with Heero parts 21-29 are up.  New author in the Gundam Wing Yaoi section, Sorceress Fantasia with seven awesome fics.  I also got permission to put up some Pirates of the Caribbean slash authors which will be coming soon.  The Dogma Slash section will also be up as soon as I can find the pages I already formatted!  Thats it for now.  More to come.


Calic0cat's Life with Heero parts 11-20 and Sweeper Three parts 6-8 up in the Gundam Wing Yaoi section.


Parts 11-20 of Kde's Secrets Revealed and the triology's epilogue put up in the Lord of the RIngs Slash section.  Calic0cat's It must Have been the Mistletoe parts 1-3 (complete) up in the Gundam Wing Yaoi section.


Put up parts 1-10 of kde's Secret's Revealed in the Lord of the Rings Slash page.  Put up my friend Cataylst's page with her original works in the Thread's of Destiny section.  And currently in the process of getting my Dogma Slash up and running.  More coming hopefully tonight or tomorrow.


Wow, it's been a long time since an update.  Just having troubles with Namo Webeditior since I've  re-installed it on my new laptop.  I haven't fixed the problem yet, but hopefully I will.  Just a small update of the link page this time.  And with buttons for use of linking my site.  That's it.


Alright, the Ronin Warrior Het Archive is up with two new fics by Coldfire.  New fic (chapters 1-2 up)by Baerwolf in the Gundam Wing Het Archive.  Update in the Lord of the Rings Slash Archive with the rest of Kde's fic A Secret Shared.  More to come of that trilogy.  Update in the Hercules and Xena Slash Archive with Kylia's fic.  Update with Calic0cat's first 10 parts of Life with Heero.


Just a fic update for my own fic Shadows of Magic.  Chapter 4 up.


Alright, updates in Lord of the Rings Slash, Beastmaster Slash, Gundam Wing Het, Fast and the Furious Slash, and Angel/Buffy Slash.  New authors Julia Banes and Odessa, new fics by Layla and Kde.  (Only parts 1-10 of 20 of Kde's fic is posted.)  Ronin Warrior Het Archive coming up next.  Look forward to it.


Okay, I got the Het Directory up and the Gundam Wing Het Archive up.  Err...I got the Mutant X Slash and Hercules/Xena Slash Archives up.  Welcome the new author Hell's Angel and an update on Kylia's fics.


Day before Cinco de Mayo!  Yippee!  I love this holiday, mainly because I love Mexican food.  (My old loyalty to the Tampa Bay area showing through.)  Le sigh.  Fairly big update.  New Author: Kylia with fics in the Andromeda and Angel/Buffy slash sections.  She has more fics, but I haven't put up the sections that they belong to yet.  Oh well, that will be coming soon with the hundreds of other things I've promised.  You've got to admit, I'm doing pretty well so far, *knocks on wood*.  Oh yeah, I also put up the rest of the parts to a "Secret Untold" in the Lord of the Rings slash section.  More will be coming from Kde, because this fic is part of a trilogy.  I liked it, *shrugs*.  That's all for now.


Huge update!  It's gotta be the largest I have ever done.  Thanks so much for all the replies I have gotten to my request for fics on the ML's I belong.  Updates on the Gundam Wing Yaoi section with Kentra Shinataku's three fics and Kde's fic.  The Lord of the Rings Slash archive is up as well with parts 1-4 of the 20 part story by Kde.  (I got tired of HTMLing the parts, I'll put the rest up next update.)  The Angel/Buffy Slash section is up as well with Buddy's four fics.  Last, but not least, the Beastmaster Slash section is also up with Layla's three fics.  I know I promised to put up the Het section and it's almost done, I just got distracted with the overwhelming response I got to my request.  More coming soon!



Another new writer, this time to the Gundam Yaoi section.  Welcome Calic0cat!  And of course her three awesome fics.  Read them all.  Next to do-More Links for the Master Link page and hopefully the Het Section as well.  More soon!



Got a new writer in the Andromeda Slash section as well as a bigger part of my Master Link page up as well.  Welcome Viridian5 to the page, with several of my favorite fics.  More coming soon.
