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HEAVEN'S TOOLBOX...the tools

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  • First an idea comes to mind, to heart, catches the eye
  • Tools are assembled to bring the idea in being and form. Such tools were given us and developed in each person as they allow.
  • Technical skill is called for. This might be the trained hands, eyes and heart of the one with the idea. The one with the idea might call on someone else who has the tools they personally lack.
  • Materials are assembled and planned. Materials for the jewelry shown are raw metals from the earth refined and alloyed into sterling silver and 18k yellow gold, with a stone of gold ore in quartz. The material is itself a tool in the hands of the skilled.
  • All tools are combined with the materials, the idea, technical knowhow and ability of the worker to bring substance from the whisp of an idea.

Tools and material are ours for the using. Will we mess up? Without forethought we will. Create, use the tools, indeed! Consider the material: i.e. as the woodworker should avoid endangered trees in choice of materials. Is this use of tools at the cost of another persons well-being, of abomination to the creation we walk and live on or its creatures? Limits do exist or should. Awareness...Create in a way to give back.

18Karat Gold, Sterling Pendant of Peace

Creativity Assigned, Directed, Free to Create

The item of jewelry shown is an example of creative effort. The inspiration came from inside the artist and from directives of the one commissioning the piece to be made. Such is one form of inspiration. Yet, in this example, the roots of inspiration were and are deeper and well-trained. Included were ethereal feelings of the heart within.

Assigned Creativity is like someone saying, "Please make me a beautiful jewel." Directed Creativity is like someone giving you the country where they live, the region, perhaps the city. Directions are there for the start but the rest is up to the artist. Contraints on creativity certainly do exist; yet "Thinking Beyond the Box", seeing a wider panaroma is allowed.

Creativity Constrained?Told is not only the country, region and city; included is apartment address, how many steps up and a link to This is not creativity from the artists viewpoint but more like a blueprint for the technically skilled. Creation for the artist is "production". Required is skill and technique with creativity essentially uncalled. The creativity of idea emerged first in the one assigning the work and the artist becomes one of the tools. That is not a bad thing. The creative mind is given opportunity to tools of "getting things done".

This particular piece of jewelry shares a common belief of the one providing the commission and the artist jeweler who made the jewelry. Shared ideas, communication, deep feelings of the heart, a love of nature, natural and Spiritual worked together. Creativity was directed but not constrained.

The Secret is in the Heat and Minerals

Artistry, Technical Skill and Minerals of the Earth Working Together

Blenko Christ Stained Glass Window The Blenko Glass vase shown is handblown glass. Inspiration came from the artist/technician who first made this design. Inspiration came from where? I don't know.

From the design comes production. This places making the vase in the hands of other "tools", namely the experienced and well-skilled glass blowers and formers who work at the factory amid the heat of firey glory holes of molten glass. All must work in precision timing...the heat of the glass is critical in forming the object.

Minerals, supplies given us by Nature determine the color of theStained Glass. Gold produces the fine reds of the church window. Selenium produces a red, also, with a twist! Color in this vase from top to bottom is all from Selenium. The color at the top rim is an added glass but the rest is all one glass with two colors. Now, the skilled hand and eye of the glass maker is needed and it must be skilled! You see, heat changes the red to yellow hues. The color is simply controlled by the glass maker and how the glass is heated at the face of the glory hole furnace. Amazing!

MINERALS OF THE EARTH were provided by the Creator for those who would use the knowledge and tools developed to put it to use. Don't you suspect this earth has much to offer if ony it weren't defaced by overzealous mining? Certainly, where land reclaimation is done and Nature is preserved as it should be...that is a different story. And, there is a legitimate place for taking up from the earth. Keeping the "BALANCE" of mankind, nature, wildlife and the earth and sky is very problamatic and that answer is one no one person can claim to have.

Heaven's Toolbox Page 5