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The Sith are the children of the Dark Side, with pure rage and hatred as their traits and full-fledged aggression as their essence. To the good and orderly Jedi, who have a long code full of strict protocols, the Dark Jedi seem to be unbound by code or rule, free to do as they wish...doing whatever it takes to fulfill their dark desires for themselves or for their Masters. The Dark Jedi derive their power from Fear, Anger, and Hate, tapping into the dark pool of pure Sith mystics. These are what power the Dark Jedi. Yet, the Dark Jedi, indeed do have a code of their own. Here, uncovered for the first time in history, it is.

There is no peace, there is anger.

There is no fear, there is power.

There is no death, there is immortality.

There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.

I am the Heart of Darkness.

I know no fear,

But rather I instill it in my enemies.

I am the destoyer of worlds.

I know the power of the Dark Side.

I am the fire of hate.

All the Universe bows before me.

I pledge myself to the Darkness.

For I have found true life,

In the death of the light.

Memorize it and recite it everyday. So says the ancient Sith writings. Only then, will one become true Sith, for each verse has a unique meaning. This is a code used only by the strongest of the Jedi, the Sith. Never through the Force, can a Jedi kill a Sith. Only through sheer startlement or surprise can one be killed; and the Sith are masters at this, since they have killed each other. For an unknown amount of millennia, have the Jedi been the guardians of peace and justice, until the reign of the great Dark Lord, Darth Sidious, or Emperor Palpatine. His plans proved as wise decisions. Along with his Apprentice, Darth Vader, the Emperor began the Great Jedi Purge, exterminating all the Jedi. With the death of the order of good Jedi, those who wished to challenge the Dark Side of the Force had no chance to win, since no good reinforcements could be provided; no good combatant will arise to challenge the Sith. May the Dark Side rule forever.

The Sith originally were a race of humanoid, insectile people, inhabiting a planet they called Sith, as well. They were a primitive species, but were Force-attuned, nevertheless. They used a small portion of the Force, combining it with their magic. Their sorcery was extremely powerful, able to do incredible feats. The weapons of Sith were also part of their sorcery. Made of hard metal, the Sith swords were small bastions of Sith power. The sword-maker, as the sword cooled, would pour into the metal, vast amounts of Sith magic. Thus, through all that power, the sword did not take any damage and could cut through anything. As their world became more and more populated, their world changed greatly: Sith society changed. Everything was separated into castes. The least Force-attuned and the poorest were placed into the lowest caste, while the most power and the most Force-attuned among the Sith became the ruling class: the Sith Lords. The caste system stayed with the Sith for a long time. However, the world of the Sith changed abruptly again: Sith society had became feudal. No one knows why or how this happened. Perhaps, as the peasantry class grew, more and more disgruntled Sith wanted change. And then, perhaps, there was a revolt (much like Earth's history). Revolt, or no revolt, society did indeed change from a society revolved around castes, to one revolved around kings and vassals. The feudal system produced clans, or Houses, as the Sith called them. Each House owned a portion of land and each had a head. The ruling head of each House was a Sith Lord. Among all of the Sith Lords, there was always one who was the most powerful and the most Force-attuned. He was the Dark Lord of Sith, given that title by the other Sith Lords because of his strength. The title Dark Lord of Sith was given to the strongest of the Sith Lord, who was the ruler over all Sith (much like the Shogun of feudal Japan). However, the inevitable soon came about. Houses clashed with one another, as they vied for more land and more power. Entire Houses were wiped out. Amid this chaos, a few extremely powerful Houses arose. The names of these are long forgotten, they certainly did exist.

Meanwhile, about two thousand years before the birth of Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight believed that he had found the true source of the Force. He went before the Jedi Council and revealed to them his newfound powers. The Jedi Council was horrified, for they soon realized that the Jedi had found and tapped into the secret and forbidden power: the Dark Side of the Force. The Jedi Council immediately banned the use of such destructive powers and tried to force the young Jedi to swear never again to use the Dark Side. However, the Jedi refused, seeing that he had found true power. He believed that the Dark Side was the real Side of the Force. The ensuing events caused a great disturbance among the previously harmonious Jedi Order. Again, the Jedi elders tried to convince the brash Jedi Knight that this was not the way. But, the rebel Jedi, realizing that he would never get consent, refused again and this time, he broke away from the sacred Jedi Order, with the immense knowledge and skill of a Jedi and a burning vow in his soul to seek revenge on those who had rejected him. The seccession caused great discussion among the Jedi. He was alone at first, but others from the Jedi order who had seen the immense powers of the ex-Jedi believed that this was indeed the true way of the Force. They sought him out and decided to study the Dark Side, with him and train in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. The next event caused an even greater chasm to open. The Jedi Council, alarmed at how big the Dark Jedis had grown to, banished them from Coruscant. And so, after much searching, the band of rebel Jedis landed on the planet Sith. Upon showing the natives their powers, the Jedis were immediately believed to be gods. He soon found out that the natives, too, had Force powers as well. But, as he investigated, they did not use their powers to the full extent. They used only a small fraction of their powers and called the phenomenon magic. The Jedis then decided to awe the native Sith in their ways of the Force by showing them the extreme power of a lightsaber. However, during these mock duels, Sith Lords decided to challenge the Jedi. In the first of these duels, the Dark Jedi were shocked to learn that a Sith sword could easily fend off a blow from a lightsaber. They had previously believed that the lightsaber could cut through anything. Thus, they became even more incredulous at the power of the Sith. Gradually, as time went on, the Sith Lords and the Dark Jedi interbred, creating human offspring who were VERY Force-attuned. Soon, the Sith became obsolete in extinction, as the Human-Sith offspring soon evolved into total human beings. Only a few were of pure Sith blood. Society soon saw them as elite and they became an elite priesthood, composed of sorcerers with pure Sith blood, their name being long forgotten. The Dark Jedi, along with their Human-Sith offspring, had created the cult of Sith, a cult given over to the Dark Side of the Force, embracing to the last detail, the dark powers that were offered. They called themselves the Sith, in memory of the original natives of the planet. Their leader was the Dark Lord of Sith, given the traditional title, because he was the strongest among them. Other were recruited, and soon the ranks of the Sith swelled. Disdaining the concepts of cooperation and consensus, relying on the belief that acquisition of power in any form lends strength and yields control, the Sith began to build their cult in opposition the Jedi.

For the next thousand years the Jedi and the Sith were at war. The rogue Jedi was still alive at the time. He had used the Dark Side to prolong his life thousands of years after the normal human life. He was still the leader of the Sith, but his greed excluded any sharing of power. However, since their order was not one created to serve, rather to dominate, his disciples began to conspire against him and each other. The war with the Jedi was the external war. The internal war was with each other. The result of these internal and external battles resulted in a nearly extinct Sith order.

In the end, the Sith destroyed themselves. They destroyed their leader first,then each other. What few survived the initial bloodbath were soon dispatched by the watchful Jedi. In a matter of only weeks, all of them died...

All but one.

The Sith who had survived when all of his fellows had died had understood the truth. He was Darth Bane. He had adopted patience as his virtue when the other had forsaken it. He had adopted cunning, stealth, and subterfuge as the foundation of his way-old Jedi virtues the others disdained. He stood aside while the other Sith tore each other's throats and were destroyed. When the carnage began, he went into hiding, biding his time, waiting for his chance.

When he and the Jedi was believed all of the Sith were destroyed, Darth Bane emerged from his concealment. At first his worked alone, but he was growing old and he was the last of his kind. Eventually, he went out in search of an apprentice. Finding one, he trained him to become a dangerous Dark Lord of Sith, teaching him the ways of the Dark Side, as well as Sith history and tactics. But, he taught, there would only be two at any one time, because if there were more, as history told, they would try to get rid of each other. Thus, he had reinvented the Order of Sith to consist of two Dark Lords: a Master and an apprentice. And for thousands of years, the Master would teach the Apprentice. The Master would die, and the Apprentice became the Master and taught a new Apprentice, and so on. They operated in secrecy, waiting for the chance to defeat the Jedi and seek revenge. There would be no repetition of mistakes of the old order, no struggle between Siths warring for power within the cult. Their true enemy was the Jedi, not each other. It was for the war with the Jedi, that they saved themselves.

And then, nine years after the birth of Anakin Skywalker, Darth Sidious and his apprentice Darth Maul made the first open move of the Sith; the first hint to the Jedi, that perhaps the Sith were still alive. At his Master's order, Darth Maul began to hunt down and destroy Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Obi Wan Kenobi. As time goes on, Anakin Skywalker turns to the Dark Side. During this time the entire galaxy is transformed by the rise of the Galactic Empire, lead by the Emperor Palpatine, who had previously been a secret Dark Lord, the infamous Darth Sidious. And then, a new, terrifying Dark Lord arises: Darth Vader. He, a transformed Anakin Skywalker, became the apprentice of the Emperor, and together, they began to wipe out the Jedi, during the Great Jedi Purge. Although a few escaped, they never were strong enough to band together to fight back, against the two powerful Dark Lords of Sith. However, as his son pleads with him, Vader turns back to the Light Side, and killed the Emperor. The Galactic Empire crumbled down and the New Republic was born. Everyone thought that the Dark Side was defeated, yet a few claiming to be Dark Jedis, arose. However, these impostors were no match for the new, strong order of the Jedi.

So, is the Sith really dead? Or could their be another Darth Bane out there?

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Congratulations to Sith-Berd, Sith-Clown and Sith Kusagami for passing the probation. They are now a full-fledge Sith and we gladly welcome them to the team

We have known that Sith-flip has decided to quit the clan and form a new clan. Though we are disappointed to see him go, we like to wish him good luck in his endeavour of his new clan.