The Ninth Eon (Freaks of Science and Nature)

In the ninth eon the world will shift into an environmental paradox. Gene pools will bubble with mutations upon mutations. Your extinction is almost certain. More and More Freaks will arise. Freaks of science and Freaks of Nature.This page will attempt to catalog some of the changes as they occur. I have assembled an interesting list of links which are loaded with mind-blowing oddities, please check them out at the bottom of this page! Do you have something that might be worthy of adding here? Please email me. Please stay tuned, this page is constantly under construction. Click Here: Flights to SkiffyNova! Click Here: Find a date in your area now! Click Here: Chapter-2 of The Ninth Eon!

Click Here: Chapter-3 of The Ninth Eon!

Click Here: Chapter-4 of The Ninth Eon!

What further can we expect?

Other realms to visit.......

Pure Genius......a must see
Mutant Fish Banana
These people sell deformed human skulls!?!?
Is the Pentagon really making super-mutant warriors?!?
British mutant frogs invade nursery school?
Genetic deformities can give you Mr.Spock Ears
Kentucky Fried Chicken...or Kentucky Fried Mutant?
Mouse Sperm + Jellyfish DNA = Neon Mice
Why did scientists put firefly genes in a tobacco plant?
Carribean calf born with 7 legs needs a home!
You too can own a glow-in-the-dark fish!
The Dutch made carrots orange?!?
Two-Headed Snake in Kentucky
German human-alien fetus from the 1700's
Attack of the mutant cabbages?
Alaskan moose fetus with two heads
Cambodian baby born with a tail, family charges 50 cents for a peek!
Circus family of lobster-people
Spider DNA + Goats= Silky Milk
Mutant Rats Rampage Through Town?
Scientists genetically alter ducks and give them quail beaks
Live deformed frog web-cam
Farmer buys and sells deformed animals
Very neat site...lot's O'Freaky animals
