Where has the peace gone?
And what kind of heartsong
can bring it back here to the Earth?
What part of me holds
the Key to the threshold
that opens the Door to re-birth?
How does my own Fear
contribute to keep here
a darkness of pain, doubt, and grief?
And deep in my Spirit
(when I listen, I hear it),
a Voice speaks gently to me:
Verse 1:
"There's too much stuff,
and too much 'you';
not enough Love,
and not enough Truth.
There's too much the cry of
'what's in it for me?';
not enough Light,
and not enough Peace."
Verse 2:
"Let go of your stuff;
and let go of 'you';
nurture the Love,
and nurture the Truth.
Let go of the cry of
'what's in it for me?';
nurture the Light,
and nurture the Peace."