Full Moon Faery Journey

Faery T says:
tell me about your journey
devlyn says:
strong coffee and toast are gone
devlyn says:
fire is blazing
Faery T says:
this morning/last night
devlyn says:
devlyn says:
i was just going to go walking with Marcus
devlyn says:
inworld at my Elfhome
devlyn says:
i was at the Inn with him
devlyn says:
when .........ummm...........question?.........have you read any of my faery journeys
Faery T says:
*listening....yes. some
devlyn says:
so i know how much to describe
devlyn says:
well, ok
devlyn says:
the captain of the guard comes into the inn
devlyn says:
and over to us
Faery T says:
will say if i need clarification
devlyn says:
and says, "My King wishes to see you."
devlyn says:
which of course is more of a command than request
devlyn says:
but that's royalty for you
Faery T says:
devlyn says:
so we three walk over to the palace
devlyn says:
and walk into their private room (gatherings, talks, games, etc)
devlyn says:
the Oberon is there, with Tatiana, of course
devlyn says:
and guess who else?
devlyn says:
ah, yes.... my ickle sparkly one
devlyn says:
Oberon introduces *you as the Queen's sister
Faery T says:
*wide eyes
devlyn says:
you are bubbly, bouncy, sparkly... and excited to see me... but more because you have something you want to show me
devlyn says:
i am speechless, which is not unusual, but interested... and you come around and grab my hand and we run out of the room
devlyn says:
now, Marcus... (remember he is the Merlin).... makes to come with me, as well
devlyn says:
but the two guards (captain and king's son) cross swords or spears or something in front of him... and the Oberon says "no"
devlyn says:
now, Marcus stops, eying the Oberon, both of them acknowledging the fact that this "gesture" of crossed swords could not really stop him
devlyn says:
but respectfully Marcus sits back down to speak with the Oberon
devlyn says:
and we are off
devlyn says:
or rather i am clinging to your hand as you run through the palace
devlyn says:
back up a moment... back to the Inn
Faery T says:
*still listening
devlyn says:
i was wearing my denim and white outfit... brightly designed though soft
devlyn says:
and as i stepped out of the Inn, the captain looked at me and said, "you really need to wear more inconspicuous clothing here, my Lady"... at which point, i changed into my camos (camouflage scout outfit)
devlyn says:
ok... so this is what i am wearing running through the palace with you... ok
Faery T says:
devlyn says:
that kind of green and brown and gold mottled stuff
Faery T says:
i see it
devlyn says:
devlyn says:
then, suddenly, you pull me into this room and shut the door.
devlyn says:
i realize it is the same room where the Book and the Prophecy had been read
devlyn says:
devlyn says:
then you look at me, and decide that i need a change of color or clothes or both.... and change the mottled camo to shades of blue...poof
devlyn says:
and then other colors...
devlyn says:
and then i say, "at least make it denim jeans"
devlyn says:
which you giggle and say ok and poof... denim jeans
devlyn says:
and then i make the mistake of saying "i don't care what color the shirt is"
Faery T says:
Faery T says:
devlyn says:
and you decide on some uv colors.... brightly alive uv yellows, pinks, purples, greens...
Faery T says:
devlyn says:
and i sigh
Faery T says:
phil has that shirt
devlyn says:
and say, "how about a mellow lavender v-neck button and collar shirt
devlyn says:
and you pout a little and sigh
Faery T says:
devlyn says:
and say "ok"
devlyn says:
because you are still bouncy and sparkly and want to show me something and won't be distracted by such little stuff
devlyn says:
so then you take my hand and walk over to the table
devlyn says:
where the Book had lain
devlyn says:
and say, "look!"
devlyn says:
and at first i don't see anything
devlyn says:
then, i realize that the table is covered in barely visible sparkly dust coalesced in the center where the Book was
devlyn says:
and then you look at me, wink, and say, "Watch this!"
devlyn says:
you start to gently blow across the dust, and it begins to rise sparkling as if the sun were beaming upon it... becoming (at the least) three-dimensional
devlyn says:
devlyn says:
and moving as if a vortex....
devlyn says:
manifesting like the bookitself
devlyn says:
then you step up on the chair and onto the table, pulling me with you, saying "come on!"
devlyn says:
and i say, "come on... what?"
devlyn says:
"jump in"
devlyn says:
"Jump in what?"
devlyn says:
"the book, silly"
devlyn says:
"You're crazy"
devlyn says:
"Yes, coming or not?"
Faery T says:
you knew that
devlyn says:
'Yes,... of course... I'm coming"
devlyn says:
and we leap into the middle of the energy vortex that looked like leaping into the middle of the Book
devlyn says:
and for quite a while it was like, again for me, being in the middle of the northern lights, the night rainbow, a swirling Void of rainbow colors and music and light
devlyn says:
for quite a while
devlyn says:
then we are on a hill.... grassy... with a cottage close by....
devlyn says:
we go in... and you say, "here, have some tea" as if you had already prepared this before...
devlyn says:
we are having tea when something begins happening that is not good
devlyn says:
something that is like a dark wind seeking us
devlyn says:
i hear it, and you do too
devlyn says:
we wait to see whether it will pass or try to come in
devlyn says:
it tries to come in... and will succeed .... we can know that
devlyn says:
the cottage doors are not safe to exit
devlyn says:
but you know the cottage... and say, "come on"
devlyn says:
and i follow you to a place somewhere in the middle of the cottage, where you work at unlatching a small cupboard type doorway....
devlyn says:
when it opens, it is filled with the glittery gold energy that i recognize as portal energy... and we crawl through into it
devlyn says:
and now we are walking as if behind the cottage, towards the cliff that overlooks the ocean there
devlyn says:
and you say, "don't look; don't stop; follow me"...
and you step off beyond the cliff into the air
devlyn says:
and i hold my breath and keep my heart and stomach from losing it... and walk on with you
Faery T says:
well done
devlyn says:
and when we are like several meters out... we can see the dark wind energy thingie get to the edge of the cliff
devlyn says:
but it cannot follow
devlyn says:
and we walk on out farther into the night... walking on "space" between stars and such
Faery T says:
cannot follow faith
devlyn says:
devlyn says:
Faery T says:
fear is left behind
devlyn says:
and we come to a place that would not be revealed to me... but exists nonetheless
devlyn says:
waiting for us
devlyn says:
that is all
Faery T says:
i cannot see that space either
Faery T says:
devlyn says:
it waits for us
devlyn says:
and faith will have to do
Faery T says:
perhaps today's journey will make things clearer?
Faery T says:
faith will do
Faery T says:
truth will do
Faery T says:
love will do
devlyn says:
Faery T says:
we will do
devlyn says:
devlyn says:
devlyn says:
Faery T says:
the jump is never bigger than we can make
devlyn says:
Faery T says:
only fear makes it so
devlyn says:
and we did
devlyn says:
devlyn says:
i know this
devlyn says:
in myself
Faery T says: