Council of Animals

From many directions, many Ways,
the animal Guides had come
To gather ‘round this Child that now
had finished what was begun;
"The end of the trail, not the end of your Path,"
I heard the Puma say,
"You’ll continue to grow until you stand
in awareness of your Way."
To North, the Buffalo and Manta Ray-
to East, the Eagle and Hare-
To South, Coyote, Badger and Stag-
to West, the Dolphin and Bear;
And circling them were Guides of Lore,
with Guides from Times gone past:
Phoenix, Griffin, Dragon, Roc,
Pteradactyl and Mammoth, last.
The Inner Circle of Faery and Elves
held Dwarves and Halflings, too;
And woven between and betwixt us all
were globes of twinkling blue.
A nod of welcome from wind and stars,
from trees, and grass and flowers,
From stream and mountain, lake and shore,
from rock and crystal towers;
And in the air, a soft reply
from many I’ve yet to name
Who honored me upon this Path
and walked me through the Flame;
And there in Spirit, if not revealed,
all those who, on their own,
Befriended me upon this Path
of luminescent Stone.