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                  AN ODE FOR IRONING

Poetry is white
it comes dripping out of the water
gets wrinkled and piles up
We have to stretch out the skin of this planet
We have to iron the sea in its whiteness
The hands go on and on
and so things are made
the hands make the world every day
fire unites with steel
linen, canvas and calico come back
from combat in the laundry
and from the light a dove is born
purity comes back from the soap suds.
- Pablo Neruda E-mail for moi:

 Plena mujer, manzana carnal, luna caliente,
copa o dulzura destinada a mí

Cuando subo la mano
encuentro en cada sitio una paloma
que me buscaba, como
si te hubieran, amor, hecho de arcilla
para mis propias manos de alfarero

Tus rodillas, tus senos
tu cintura
faltan en mí como en el hueco
de una tierra sedienta
de la que desprendieron
una forma,
y juntos
somos completos como un solo río,
como una sola arena.

Your whole body <<< back

a stemmed glass or gentle sweetness destined for

When I let my hand climb,
in each place I find a dove
that was looking for me, as if
my love, they had made you of clay
for my very own potter’s hands.

Your knees, your breasts,
your waist,
are missing in me, like in the hollow
of a thirsting earth
where they relinquished
a form,
and together
we are complete like one single river,
like one single grain of sand.

--Stephen Mitchell
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copa o dulzura destinada a mí

Cuando subo la mano
encuentro en cada sitio una paloma
que me buscaba, como
si te hubieran, amor, hecho de arcilla
para mis propias manos de alfarero

Tus rodillas, tus senos
tu cintura
faltan en mí como en el hueco
de una tierra sedienta
de la que desprendieron
una forma,
y juntos
somos completos como un solo río,
como una sola arena.

Your whole body holds
a stemmed glass or gentle sweetness destined for

When I let my hand climb,
in each place I find a dove
that was looking for me, as if
my love, they had made you of clay
for my very own potter’s hands.

Your knees, your breasts,
your waist,
are missing in me, like in the hollow
of a thirsting earth
where they relinquished
a form,
and together
we are complete like one single river,
like one single grain of sand.

--Stephen Mitchell

Comes a time I check out the tailor’s or the movies
shriveled, impenetrable, like a felt swan
wafted on waters of origin and ashes.

A whiff from the pubs has me sobbing my eyes out.
All I want is a break from rocks and wool,
all I want is to see neither buildings nor gardens,
no shopping centers no glasses no elevators.

Comes a time I’m tired of my feet and my fingernails
and my hair and my shadow.
Comes a time I’m tired of being a man.

Yet how delicious it would be
to shock a notary with a cut lily
or to kill off a nun with a blow to the ear.
How beautiful
to run through the streets with a green knife,
howling until I died of cold.

I don’t want to go on like a root in the shadows,
hesitating, pushing forward, trembling with dream,
down down into the dipped tripe of the earth,
soaking it up and thinking, eating every day.

I don’t want for myself so many misfortunes.
I don’t want to keep on as root and tomb,
alone, subterranean, in a vault stuffed with corpses,
frozen stiff, dying of grief.

That’s why Monday burns like kerosene
when it sees me show up with my mugshot face,
and it shrieks on its way like a wounded wheel,
trailing hot bloody footprints into the night.

And it shoves me into certain corners, certain damp houses,
into hospitals where bones sail out the window,
into certain shoestores reeking of vinegar,
into streets godawful as crevices.

There are brimstone-colored birds and horrible intestines
adorning the doors of houses I hate,
there are dentures dropped into a coffeepot,
that must have bawled with shame and terror,
there are umbrellas everywhere, poisons and belly buttons.

I pass by with serenity, with eyes, with shoes,
with fury and forgetting,
I go cruising the offices and orthopedic stores,
and patios where clothes hang from a wire
where underwear, towels and blouses cry
drawn out, obscene tears.

"El Alfarero / The Potter”
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Todo tu cuerpo tiene
copa o dulzura destinada a mí

Cuando subo la mano
encuentro en cada sitio una paloma
que me buscaba, como
si te hubieran, amor, hecho de arcilla
para mis propias manos de alfarero

Tus rodillas, tus senos
tu cintura
faltan en mí como en el hueco
de una tierra sedienta
de la que desprendieron
una forma,
y juntos
somos completos como un solo río,
como una sola arena.

Your whole body holds
a stemmed glass or gentle sweetness destined for

When I let my hand climb,
in each place I find a dove
that was looking for me, as if
my love, they had made you of clay
for my very own potter’s hands.

Your knees, your breasts,
your waist,
are missing in me, like in the hollow
of a thirsting earth
where they relinquished
a form,
and together
we are complete like one single river,
like one single grain of sand.

"Soneto XII: Plena Mujer, manzana carnal, luna caliente /
Sonnet XII: Full woman, fleshy apple, hot moon"
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Plena mujer, manzana carnal, luna caliente,
espeso aroma de algas, lodo y luz machacados,
quÏ oscura claridad se abre entre tus columnas?
QuÏ antigua noche el hombre toca con sus sentidos?

Ay, amar es un viaje con agua y con estrellas,
con aire ahogado y bruscas tempestades de harina:
amar es un combate de relˆmpagos
y dos cuerpos por una sola miel derrotados.

Beso a beso recorro tu peque¿o infinito,
tus mˆrgenes, tus rÍos, tus pueblos diminutos,
y el fuego genital transformado en delicia

corre por los delgados caminos de la sangre
hasta precipitarse como un clavel nocturno,
hasta ser y no ser sino un rayo en la sombra.

Full woman, fleshy apple, hot moon,
thick smell of seaweed, crushed mud and light,
what obscure brilliance opens between your columns?
What ancient night does a man touch with his senses?

Loving is a journey with water and with stars,
with smothered air and abrupt storms of flour:
loving is a clash of lighting bolts
and two bodies defeated by a single drop of honey.

Kiss by kiss I move across your small infinity,
your borders, your rivers, your tiny villages,
and the genital fire transformed into delight

runs through the narrow pathways of the blood
until it plunges down, like a dark carnation,
until it is and is no more than a flash in the night.

--Stephen Mitchell