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Down the Coast...

From Geelong, you can drive a short journey down the 'Great Ocean Road' and see some of the best beaches and scenery in Australia!

Jan Juc

Jan Juc is a 20 minute drive from Geelong. Its a surf-beach, and there are always surfers there, whether is hot or cold weather. The beaches here are never overcrowded, and there is enough space for people to enjoy their time at the beach without being bothered by anyone.

Great Ocean Road

The road along the coast is famous for being one of the best sceneic drives in the world. There are many lookouts where you can take photos, and many little beach-towns where you stop and have lunch.

Kangaroo Golf?

As you drive along the Great Ocean Road, you come to a small town called 'Anglesea'. Here, the golf-course is renowned for having kangaroos roam free around the fairways and greens.