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What and where in the World is Niagara?

Niagara is an imaginary land that was settled by Germans in the deep woods of Pennsylvania at the present day location of I-90 in the year of 1859. Niagara shut itself out from the outside world and created its own govorment system. Niagara loved nature because it was part of nature. I have tried to make the books acurate and intresting and I hope you will find them so. I have used some information in the books that did actually happen and created characters to fill the role of real people.

Kep, acting as Kepper

This web page has been designed to give people information I like to call Ninfo. (N= Niagara, info for information). If you would like to help make the Niagara movies possible or help fund the publishing of the Niagara series, please contact Camille Wagner by e-mailing her at And thank you for visiting the Niagara website!

Niagara Memorabilia

The first copy of Niagara: The Quest for Lost Treasure ever printed:





Tools that were helpful during the process of writing, drafting and editing