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drawing by thelittleamoeba


what's happening
VLTP photos now have captions.
rough draft of instructions for making clay whistles is here. zyla
the computer i've been using died for a while but now i'm up and running again. pinhole photos are now here but not the how to bit. also newly up are steriograms. zyla
the galleries are now organized, and i put up a few drawings. coming soon...pinhole photography! zyla
i put up some more of my photographs, pictures of the 2001 Volunteer Long Trail Patrol. I'll write captions for them sometime soon. zyla
there's been a request for a page of zylaness so that will be the next thing i put up. if any of you out there have any requests, suggestions, questions or comments you can write them in the guest book or email them to me at zyla
i've got a links page up now and finished the caba gallery, except i'm thinking about changing the background for it. It might be interresting to have a building things section... zyla
hi, as you have probably noticed this site is very much under construction. I'm gonna start by setting up galleries of my photography work and later hope to add informational pages on random subjects i find interresting. I'll try to keep you updated on new ideas, plans and additions taking place here. hope you enjoy my site. zyla
to see
page of links
making things