As members of The Freedom Cruisers Riding Club we believe in total freedom. We have no initiation fees, no dues, no mandatory meetings, and no major commitments. We do not believe in club dictatorship, cliques, power plays, politics or any BS. We are not a 1% club, nor are we territorial, therefore we will not wear rockers on our backs. We respect all clubs and enjoy good relations wherever we go.

Mission Statement: The Freedom Cruisers Riding Club (hereafter known as FCRC) is a family orientated Club. We represent motorcycle riding, family, unity, camping, traveling, fun and the camaraderie of the Members.

Purpose: The Freedom Cruisers Riding Club is a NOT-FOR-PROFIT organization, operating with the sole purpose of promoting good, clean, and safe riding activities.

FCRC Patch: The Club Patch is Copyrighted and as such may not be reproduced for sale by any Club Member or any outside entity for any reason without the written permission of the Copyright Owner. The National President of the FCRC is the Sole Owner of the FCRC Patch and its design.

The Club patch may be reproduced for Chapter Websites, Business Cards, Letterhead, Newsletters and other similar items not for sale. The Copyright Certificate is available for any Member to view by making a request to the National President.

Officers: Officers that are Members in good standing with the FCRC will govern The FCRC. The Officer titles shall be:

National Level: President, Vice President, Administrative Director, Membership Director.

State Level: State Director, Assistant State Director.

Local Level: Chapter President. Vice President, Road Captain, Tail Gunner, Secretary/Treasurer, Safety Officer.

FCRC Member’s Code of Conduct:

As a Member of the FCRC you agree to follow all the Freedom Cruisers Club Guidelines, Rules, and Regulations. FCRC Members are responsible for maintaining the public image and perception of the Club. Any FCRC Member should never publicly make any statements, in any form of communication, or commit an act, that portrays the Club, or its Members in a negative or unfavorable manner. An FCRC Member has a duty of loyalty to the FCRC, other fellow Officers and Members. An FCRC Officer should not make any statement, or commit any act, which would cause his/her duty of loyalty to be called into question. All Officers of FCRC will be required to wear the FCRC Club Patch. All Chapter Presidents must be patched, as well as any other appointed Chapter Officers. Chapter Presidents must keep The National Board notified of any changes to their email address, mailing address, and contact phone numbers. Violation will lead to dismissal from their current position. Chapter Presidents are also responsible for keeping updated contact information of their Members.

National Officer's Titles and Duties: National President: The National President will oversee the operation of the Freedom Cruisers Riding Club. It is the National Presidents duty to uphold all of the FCRC Guidelines at all times. The National President is responsible to choose his/her replacement upon leaving the Office. The National President has final say on the choosing and placement of all National and State Directors. The National President holds the tiebreaker vote on all issues concerning National Business. The National President or National Vice President (in absence of the National President) will announce New Chapter Presidents.

National Vice President: The National Vice President is responsible for helping the National President oversee the operation of the Freedom Cruisers Riding Club. The National Vice Presidents duty is to help uphold all the FCRC Guidelines at all times. The National Vice President may be called upon to oversee the operation of the FCRC in the event the National President is temporarily unavailable. The National Vice President is appointed by the National President.

National Membership Director: The National Membership Director is responsible to maintain the FCRC Membership Roster. The National Membership Director will receive, record, and update the Membership as needed. The National Membership Director will contact Chapter Officers In Charge of any additions, transfers, or changes in said Chapters Membership Roster. The National Membership Director will also ensure the accuracy of FCRC Members at Large.

National Administrative Director: The Administrative Director will be responsible for providing support to new and current Chapter Presidents who are in the process of building and recruiting for their FCRC Chapter. Other responsibilities will be to semiannually confirm the activity status of each Chapter and report the findings and recommend appropriate action to be taken for any that are inactive to the Membership Director. Also, to assume the duties of other Board Members when required. The Administrative Director will also be responsible for monitoring all chapter’s social media sites and to advise the National Board of any issues.

State Officer's Titles and Duties: State Director: The State Director shall oversee the operation of the Freedom Cruisers Riding Club as it pertains to their State. It is the State Director's duty to uphold all of the FCRC Guidelines at all times. The State Director has the tiebreaker vote on all issues concerning State Business. It is the duty of each State Director to collect, verify, tally, and report to the National President the votes of the Board of Directors in their State on voting/elections at the National Level. When The State Director vacates office, The Assistant State Director has the right to replace The State Director. If The Assistant State Director does not want the Office, The State Director shall nominate a replacement candidate, and notify The National President of the nominee. No State will hold an election/vote on any State matter without the prior approval from the National Level. Requirement for the State Director position is that the member requesting this position will have been a Chapter President in good standing for a minimum of one year. The State Director shall be responsible to nominate a member to the National Board to fill the position of Assistant State Director.

Assistant State Director: The Assistant State Director shall work at the discretion of the State Director. The Assistant State Director shall oversee the operation of the Freedom Cruisers Riding Club, as it pertains to their State, in the absence of the State Director. When doing so, the Assistant State Director shall hold all of the State Director's responsibilities, as well as the holding the tiebreaker vote on all issues concerning State Business. The Assistant State Director has the option to replace the State Director when the position is vacated.

State Board of Directors: The State Board of Directors shall consist of the State Chapter Presidents. Each Chapter President will hold one (1) vote at State Board Meetings (formally called OIC Meetings). The State Director may hold a Board of Directors' Meeting when deemed necessary. Minutes of such meetings are required to be sent to the National Board.

Voting: At all FCRC meetings (Board of Directors, Chapter Meetings, etc.), the voting members present are a quorum. A simple majority of that quorum will determine the passage or defeat of the item.

Chapter President: The Chapter President shall be responsible for the business of the Chapter. The Chapter President shall facilitate the scheduling of monthly Chapter Rides and Events. The Chapter President holds one (1) vote for State Board Meetings. A Chapter President may send a proxy if unable to attend State Board Meetings. Proxies should be arranged in advance, if possible, with the National President or the State Director. The Chapter President is responsible for appointing additional Officers to help maintain order in a Chapter. In the spirit of keeping the FCRC on common ground, the following titles will be used for said Officers:

Vice President: Vice President reports to the Chapter President. The Vice President shall act as the First Officer of a Chapter and shall work at the discretion of the Chapter President. Duties can include scheduling or leading Chapter rides, etc.

Road Captain: The Road Captain's duties will include scheduling and leading rides. There can be more than one Road Captain per Chapter.

Tail Gunner: The Tail Gunner shall ride at the rear of the formation and keep the riders together in a formation. The Tail Gunner shall be responsible to check with the Road Captain for the ride details, including the route, the destination, and the duration of a ride. The Tail Gunner should always check with the Road Captain of the ride to make sure the riding rules and hand signals are discussed before the riding group leaves on a ride. There can be more than one Tail Gunner per Chapter. The Tail Gunner should always keep the Road Captain advised of any issues that they see within the group from the rear.

Safety Officer: The Chapter Safety Officer shall be responsible to gather and present safety material to all Chapter Members. The material can be discussed on Chapter Rides or Events, or at Chapter Meetings.

Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible to record the minutes of Chapter meetings and/or to maintain the treasury of the Chapter. Any money belonging to the Chapter shall be accurately recorded on how it is used, and the information shall be made available to any Chapter Member who makes a request to inspect this recording. If a Chapter elects to have meetings and minutes are kept, the Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for posting all details on the chapter’s social media page or on the FCRC National Facebook page.

The Secretary/Treasurer titles and duties may be separated into two Officer's Titles. Their duties will remain same as described in this section.

Membership: Membership in the Freedom Cruisers Riding Club is open to anyone that is 18 years of age or older, any race, creed, or sex, and has a valid motorcycle license, or a motorcycle permit (limited participation), as well as proof of liability insurance. Members must own and ride a motorcycle. A spouse, or any other person, can also become a Member if they ride as a passenger. All Members must have a current application on file with the FCRC National Office. Members with a motorcycle permit may not ride on a Highway, at dark, or with a passenger. Therefore, they will not be allowed to participate on any rides that will include these restrictions.

Anyone applying for Membership in the FCRC must fill out an online Application for Membership. On the menu, click on Membership, then Membership Application. Fill out the online form and submit to the Membership Director for approval.

Applicants may choose a Chapter to join when they apply for Membership. If you do not choose a Chapter, the Applicant will be assigned to the nearest Chapter. If there is not a Chapter within a reasonable distance of where the Applicant lives, the Applicant will be placed as a Member At Large (MAL) until a Chapter starts in the Applicant's area. The National Membership Director will ensure yearly that a MAL is active and try to place them in a chapter or remove them as a MAL if they are no longer active.

A Member may transfer to a different Chapter at any time. All transfer requests must be sent to the FCRC Membership Director to be processed and approved. Once a Member transfers to a new Chapter, that Member may be subject to a vote of former Chapter Members to transfer back to their former Chapter.

A new Member must attend and ride a minimum of three (3) FCRC sponsored chapter Rides and be approved for FCRC Patched membership by the Chapter President and Chapter Officers before they can buy and wear the FCRC Back Patch. Back Patches may be purchased only from your Chapters President.

A Member at Large will not be allowed to obtain the FCRC Back Patch without belonging to an FCRC Chapter and fulfilling the 3 Ride Rule.

A Member that has been removed from the Club for any reason may not reapply for Membership for a period of one year. The FCRC Board of Directors reserves the right to accept or reject Membership and to periodically, without notice, revise or amend the Clubs Guidelines and Regulations when necessary.

Members of the Freedom Cruisers Riding Club must ride at least 3 rides in a calendar year to maintain their Membership with the FCRC. Any Member that has been awarded Member Emeritus, are Honorary Members of the Chapter, or those on military deployment may have the 3 ride rule waived. The National Board is the only authority to decide whether to waive the 3 ride rule once a request in writing has been submitted by the Chapter President.

If a Member needs to take a leave of absence from the Freedom Cruisers, or their Chapter, the 3 ride rule can be waived for the time of the leave of absence. All leave of absence requests must be submitted in writing to the Chapter President who will then forward to the National Board for approval to waive the 3 ride rule.

Any Member in good standing (a patch wearer) with the Freedom Cruisers Riding Club who can No Longer Ride Due To Illness or Injury may retain their Membership in the Freedom Cruiser Riding Club as a Member if they wish, belonging to their Chapter or to become a Member at Large.

Every Chapter may have one Member who does not own or ride a motorcycle but will attend rides in a Chase Vehicle. This Member may wear an FCRC patch.

We do ask:
Always ride safe!
Do not give the Club a bad name.
Get involved in the Club when you can.
Respect other Members rights and beliefs.
Never disrespect or misrepresent the Club Patch.
We do promote motorcycle and public safety rules.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will we be involved in any illegal activity.

FCRC Disclaimer: Each Member participates in activities solely by choice and participation itself relinquishes any responsibility of the Freedom Cruisers as an organization for any and all liabilities resulting in participation in any Club related event or activity. All activities and events must comply with any State or local laws and ordinances. Any personal injury or property damage resulting during a Club activity or at any time becomes the responsibility of the individual parties involved, and at no time shall the Freedom Cruisers be held liable.

Any individual involved in any illegal activities while wearing the FCRC back patch will be immediately scrutinized by the Freedom Cruisers Officers and subject to immediate removal from the Club Roster and Membership roles, and forbidden to claim any and all association with the Freedom Cruisers, to include, but not limited to:

Prohibited to participate in any activity of the Freedom Cruisers. The removal of any insignias of the Freedom Cruisers, including the Freedom Cruisers' Patch, returning the patches to the Chapter President.

A Member that has been removed from the Club for any reason may not reapply for Membership for a period of one year.

Starting a Chapter: Any Member may request to start a Chapter. All new Chapter requests will be required to have a minimum of three members before approval is considered. The Membership Director and/or National Board must approve new Chapters before start up. Chapters should not be closer than 50 miles of an existing Chapter. The National Board will determine if exceptions to this rule are needed and may make changes as needed.

The Member that starts the Chapter becomes the Chapter President of that Chapter.

The Chapter President agrees to adhere to the FCRC Officer's Code of Conduct. (See above.)

Chapters are required to abide by all FCRC Guidelines. The Chapter President is responsible for the conduct of the Chapter and its adherence to the FCRC Guidelines.

When wearing the FCRC Patch, Members of FCRC should not wear support patches for other motorcycle or riding clubs. (Excludes patches from ABATE, AMA, ISRA, HOG, GWRRA, etc.) This includes, but is not limited to, 1%er club support patches. Patches in question should be submitted to the National Board for approval before being placed on your FCRC vest.

Chapters may regulate their Chapters as needed. But, under no circumstances, may a Chapter adopt any rules, regulations, or guidelines that conflict with the FCRC Guidelines.

Chapters are allowed to design a Front Vest Patch. All designs must be submitted to the National Board for approval.

Chapters agree to link their Website to the National Website. The link will be placed on the Chapters Main Page.

Chapters agree to provide access to the National Board to all social media platforms created by the new chapter. Once the new group is created on Facebook or other platform, notification will be sent to the national board and invite to join sent to the National Board members.

Complaints on any Officer by any Member may be presented in writing to either the National President or the State Director of their State who will then submit such complaint to the National Board. The National Board will review any violations of the Clubs Guidelines. The accused will be afforded the right to address the Club National Officers before a decision is made. An offending Officer may be removed from his/her position, and/or expelled from the Freedom Cruisers Riding Club.

FCRC Rides: Chapter Rides: Chapter Rides should be scheduled once a month, weather permitting. Each Chapter calls its own Chapter Rides. The Chapter President is responsible to schedule and promote these rides for their Chapters. The Chapter President can either act as Road Captain for the ride or select someone else to Road Captain. The Chapter Rides should be posted on the Chapters Calendar for informational purposes. Chapter Rides should be open to all FCRC Members, regardless of Chapter Affiliation.

Called Rides: Any Member of FCRC may 'Call' a ride. To do so, you must be a FCRC Patched Member and ask approval of your Chapter President. When seeking permission, Members should have all of the details of the ride for the Chapter President. The Member that calls a ride is considered, but not required to be, the Road Captain of the ride. Called Rides may not conflict with Chapter Rides.

The FCRC Board of Directors reserves the right to accept or reject Membership and to periodically, without notice, revise or amend the Clubs Guidelines and Regulations when necessary.

Last updated 1 DECEMBER 2020

Ronald Connelly "DIAMONDDOT"
National President