Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
This reproduces Marzeih Gail’s Glossary. This Glossary is the first Bahá’í Glossary published, listing Bahá’í terms and names, and including a pronunciation guide. It’s full title is Bahá'í Glossary: Persian and Arabic words appearing in the Bahá'í Writings, and was initially published 1957. This version is from that printing. The mark-up editor is aware that there were at least three subsequent printings, the fourth in 1969.
This work is remarkable, especially when one considers its time. Without the benefits of a computer available to her, it is clearly seen in the original how accents and other characteristics of transliterated words had to be added manually to the typewriten page. Today, with computers and character lists, this effort is far simpler and easier.
This HTML version remains faithful to the original hard-copy in style. It will be noted, however, when one compares to the original that it is not a mirror-image. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, a conscious decision was made by the mark-up editor to allow the text to flow more freely, especially within the third descriptive column. The second reason has to do with the medium chosen - HTML and CSS3 - and the decision to keep the coding simple and without the use of any form of scripting whatsoever. The HTML and CSS also utilizes only the more basic elements, allowing thus (in theory at least) a graceful fall-back for those with a browser that does not support the latest standards.
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