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Sunset Dreams Music Studio
Version 2.0


Page One


Welcome to Sunset Dreams Music Studios, also known as Sunset Studios. ^_^ It's still under construction, but pretty soon it will be a good source for music of all genres, artists, and stuff like that. Uhh... not much else to say at the moment, but it'll be pretty big once I get going. Our current specialty is Good Charlotte, but Avril Lavigne and Blink 182 aren't too far behind. Or, at least, they wont be once I get started.
This is sort of new to me, so please excuse if updates are a little slow. I will keep working on this, but it already took up about ten times as much bandwidth that would like. I hope it doesn't shut down, but if it does I'll get it back up ASAP.
If you have any requests for music, please email me and I'll try to find them on the internet or whatever. The reason it may take so long is because I dont do the beeps and boops that other websites pull off- it's lyrics and good sound or nothing. The selection stinks right now, but it'll pick up eventually.
Disclaimers: Yoohoo? Ya there? Have you noticed that I am miserably poor and DO NOT OWN A BAND?????
Also, I am not a very good graphics designer and DID. NOT. MAKE. THIS. BACKGROUND. The logo I made myself, even though I took an image from the background... just work with me here!

2-16-02--- I uploaded four new songs, changed the backgrounds, changed the name of the site all together, and then sat back to admire my work. Not too shabby, huh?

