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Music playing is "Electroclimactic" by Keel.

What Hides Behind the Devils' Mask?
What hides behind the Devils mask?
A soul, a face, a masquerade
The loss of life our simple fate,
A man who is your lifelong mate,

Who lures you into caverns cold?
Or keeps you on a simple road
I will find out though how it bode.
I am the lock, the key he holds

He traps you with a simple jest
Of his intent you’ll surely guess
He found me on a stormy night
And that is when the plot did light.

I’m happy here in simple times
But fortunes played me like a nine
He told me of the things I’d get
But what he meant I do regret.

He pulled me from the ones I loved
With no more then a simple shove
I miss the ones that are my home
Perhaps one day they’ll hear my moans.

But who now did this simple deed
I shout to him I do concede
But trapped in here when all is gone
I start to sing a simple song.

What hides behind the Devils mask?
You’ll find yourself that’s quite a task.

Breaking Dawn
The past holds on to you my friend
That’s why your path must twist and bend
You think to of only what you know
But never range for fear of foe

Don’t be afraid to know the truth
For fear will only take your youth
You will prevail above your mind
Or its your heart you’ll never find

Why live to never face yourself
But live your life upon the shelf
Take chance take risk its all we get
Or ill be sad we ever met

Now take your life before its gone
Here comes the day a breaking dawn

By Dustin Ambramson

July's spirit
The sky above is blue today,
But I know it won't stay that way,
The silence neither won't last,
For it will be broken by a siren blast,
The lullaby that meets my ears at night
Is the same one that gives people such a fright,
And in the morning what greets me there,
Is grayish evidence in the air.
Knowing that people's homes may be in danger,
The summer is unkind to those strangers.
Every year the summer repeats itself,
Just when nature was repairing itself.
With firefighters working around the clock,
Every siren is heard on my block,
The fiery spirit of July,
The one that brings me my lullaby,
Will only end, I've come to learn,
When August take's it's heated turn.
-By Rayjo

You see the path you travel down
But give up quickly turn around
For that’s quite easy some would say
Lets live to see another day

Why hurt yourself just walk away
you be trusted just hit the hay
so why your haunted I don’t know
You have no strength no room to grow

Don’t give up now your almost there
Don’t lose it now and start to care
For things you said or might have not
So now your sorry for the lot

Trust someone else just talk they’ll hear
Who knows you might get out of here
For once your free to soar the clouds
And that is when it all gets loud

You hurt again down way inside
And now you feel as if you died
you cant get out cant even scream
and then wake up its all a dream

But now you know where things will be
Its not to late go out you’ll see

By Dustin Ambramson

Despair, why do you cling to me so?
Why must depression follow everywhere I turn?
I look to God for strength,
But does he hear my call?
I know he's out there somewhere,
But why is he not at my door?

The day drags on and on,
And I find no reason to light a flame in my heart.

I know this is just a deep valley that I must climb out of.
But every trail or hill i climb,
Leads me deeper down to my doom.

I search to and fro for strength and comfort,
But there is none to be found that is strong
Enough and sturdy enough,
To carry the load I am burdaned with.

O Death, your sting burns me,
For I can find no Life.
Is there really a light at the end of the tunnel
of this valley
That seems to have no end?
Is there any light in the midst of this tunnel,
This trail of darkness?

The Light I find is of hope for a life that has no pain.
The light shows me a futor of marrage and children.
This Light shows me God's awesome plans for a
Stumbling creature, me.
I find hope for tomorrow in this Light.

O Death, your sting has left and is powerless,
Your victory is swallowed up in flames.

I will look to God for my help.
It will come from only Him.
And when all lights go out again,
I will keep my face pointed towards the Son
And let His rays fill me with hope and comfort.

By Rainbow Neckarcm

1 corinthians 15:54-55 (Good News Transtation)

Dont' Have a good Title, Any Ideas?

I'm a nasty word,
Not even Hollywood will show.
I'm a person,
Politicians shun to know.
I'm bad nourishment,
Majority doesn't want at the table.
I'm an illness,
For those sick and unstable.
I'm an incoveniance,
To everyone's lifestyle.
I'm no profit,
So Greed thinks I'm not worth while.
I'm innocent,
But Immoral doesn't think so.
I'm a pest,
That Godless wishes would go.
This is the world as I know it today,
I'm not a creature or scum in any way.
I'm not a Virus or form of insanity,
What I am is...

Honest Christianity.
By Rayjo

The Truth
I love people
but they hate me
I cling to them
but they push me away
I call to them
and they shut their ears
I reach out
and they wince
My face
they loathe
I come for them
they run and hide
So I wait for them
but they won't come near
I look at them
but they turn away
My company
they shun
I cry for them
but they will not listen
I fight for them
but they do not care
I need them
but they will not let me in
What am I?

...the truth
By Chloe Holmes

Akari's Lullaby
I come to watch the water,
To see the moon dance on it's surface,
And with me is my daughter,
Who I've brought to meet the spirits.
The strength of the river,
Is what I call upon,
Which has kept my people alive,
And the Spirits that make it run.

Taken out of the book Moonblade

Weary Servant
Go home weary servant,
You have a new master now.
No longer will you milk cows,
No longer in the fields work.

Your job is much different,
But in essence the same.
Not you to cure sick or lame,
But to labor among others.

You have helpers on this quest
To give good news to everyone,
To help them see the rising sun,
So the light may touch their dark hearts.

Your master now, don't you see,
Is Christ the Morning Star,
He who's light will travel far,
Through you weary servant.

By Rayjo

The Son of Man
His body hung motionless,
But His blood ran cold,
Who knew every drop
Was more precious than gold?

With a piercing crown
On His already beaten skull,
Men hit Him and spit,
Thinking this was really His fall.

In all time leading up to this,
With gathering feelings of dread,
His friends were still horrified,
At the tremendous bloodshed.

At such an instant where sorrowful
And glorious mysteries met,
In three days time a promise made
Long ago will have been kept.

Being the Son of God,
Didn’t help the pain,
Being one with the spirit,
Didn’t lessen the strain.

Man in all things,
Except mortal sin,
He suffered so much,
Because He was human.

By Rayjo

Me, Myself, and Cross Country

Anytime, anywhere,
Is a philosophy.
When you say to the weather,
“You can’t beat me!”
In the wind, snow, and sun,
If there’s rain,
It’s all the more fun.

You have an opponent,
Who’s impossible to beat.
They’re always there,
Even at every meet.
Your feet hit the ground,
Always hitting in rhythm,
You’ve ran and ran,
But can only just stay with’em.
They know all your secrets
They know all your moves,
They know your soft spots
And all of your grooves.

In what other sport,
Is there an opponent like this,
Who you are always racing,
But will often miss?
The person who we all find,
Is the very essence of our mind?

By Rayjo

My Mind is Like...

My mind is like a sailing ship
That's led me through the flame
Which guides me through the life I'm in
By hiding restless shame.

The sail I raise along the mast
To catch the rising wind
To give me strength, the push I need
The feeling from within.

My paint wears thin destroying me
Revealing truth inside
That I am just some rotting wood
Resisting coming tides.

My captain shines the light for me
With logic that resounds
But crews are often mutinous
Emotion drives them round.

The problems that I bring aboard
Will build up till I'm full
Until the weight will bring me down
The ocean meets my hull.

But memories I share with friends
I bring along the way
Those tokens lie within this ship
I carry to this day.

By Dustin Ambramson


You rise from the ground
You climb through the air
You look all around you
But nothing is there.

The trees are all buzzing
You've taken the dive
Your heart is a twitter
You feel so alive.

Perception is failing
Emotions take hold
What is this new feeling
You can't seem to fold.

The warmth is still crawling
It fly's like a dove
Could it be that you might
Be falling in love.

by Dustin Ambramson

Do you have a poem you would like up here? Then e-mail it to me using the feedback.

get this gear!
Song thanks to Ampcast