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It is nice to be back again.

After a long holiday, it is really a refreshing experience to be able to write again in this page. A lot of events has come to pass since the last posting.

Many readers may have given up on us.

The Petronas Corporate Agenda has been launched and MISC is in close pursuit of it.

The Townhall Meeting with the CEO has revealed MISC objective in the next few years. The next FY plan of USD114 billion for Petronas Group and USD8 billion for MISC Group has cemented the work order for all Petronas and MISC staff.

"Failure is not an option", "Hire and fire" and "Contract to deliver" are the catch phrases that will drive and motivate us from now on.

So, in short, after take-over, business transformation and VSS/SP; the worst is far from over. Even with the passing former CEO, the further re-organization will further squeeze all MISC staff to perform, perform and perform; with all their life's other priorities taking the back-seat.

The implication is you may end up having to do, not only the work specified in your Performance Planning objectives but also other 'ad-hoc' assignments that your boss may dump to you, with the most convenient 'reason' i.e. urgently required by "our (higher) boss". In these instances, you may not want to refuse the so-called important (and ad-hoc) assignment, because you are worried even your most logical explanation will be misinterpreted by your boss as 'insubordination'. 'They' will not tolerate this and your immediate superior may subtly hint you may get below average rating during the PPA exercise!

You may have to adopt 'multi-tasking' approach, which may mentally drain you or even drive your blood pressure a few notches higher than present level. But better take good care of your health, because 'unhealthy' staff will increase the medical cost and this is contradictory to achieving the next FY's USD8 billion objective. So your name may be the list of recipients in the next round of SP offer!

See you in the next update.

Webmaster (Sat 29/1/2005)