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Solomon Page             My Opinion




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Faced whith a new war on terrorism and the potential wars with Iraq and North Korea, some congressmen want to reinstitute the millitary draft.  The Draft as we have known it in the past has been changing. Over the past 100 years we've seen the largest changes but the biggest change seems to be happening right now in the selction process. For years women have played a key suporting role as doctors and nurses and even journalism, in war.  With the uni-sexism created by the "equality movement", comes comes a new and frightning thought,, ever since women have been complaining about their role in society, men have been saying, things like "sure you want eqaulity and I'l give it to you, here you go now carry your own weight". This train of thought put women into a huge role in the work place and now it's moving to the millitary draft.

The U.S came close to drafting women in World War II, when there was a shortage of military nurses. (Women).*1.  Now in a time of crisis they are thinking once more about drafting women, in fact, durring a recent regional Selective Service Confrence one of the Items disscussed was the inclusion of healthcar professionals in a wartime draft.(Military).*2.

Posttraumatic stress syndrome and even early aging due to escessive stress are just some of the problems by wartime situations for people who weren't even on the front lines. Few people handle the stresses of war well and women seem to have a harder time then men.  For this reason wars were historicly for men, even the suporting roles like doctors.Most women I know don't want to ever have to go to war even as a medical professional, I don't think most men want them to go either.

The root of the problem is primarily a shortage of quilified male healthcare pro's. what the government could do is offer sex based incentives for men to enter the feild, If a young man agrees to be put on a draft priority list tax-payers will fit the bill for their education in the health care feild.  Not only would this solve the health care crisis for the millitary but at home it would make it easier for lower class youth to move into the high paying feild of health care, and help solve the the health care shortage that is driving healthcare prices up the wall. The Idea of war is not a nice one, sometimes it's a must, but drafting women shouldn't have to be a must.

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Work Cited
1. (Women)-Women and the Draft in America
Selective Service System 07/98.

2. (Military)-Military Draft Could Include Women, Pacifists .
Michael Betesch, 11/13/2001