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An attack where you raise your hands above your hand and charge the blast then you pull your hands down and fire the blast at your enemy. 5 days to learn.
PL: 10,000 Ki: 6,000

A powerful attack where you pull your hands to your side and charge the attack, then you pull them out in front of you and release the beam. 8 days to learn.
PL: 175,000 Ki: 150,000

The ultimate kamehameha. It is the same, but a lot more powerful. 26 days to learn.
PL: 228,500 Ki: 212,000

Special Beam Cannon
You put 2 fingers on your head and charge the beam. When you are done charging the beam you release it by taking the fingers off your head and aiming them at your opponent. The beam is wrapped around another beam. Takes 12 days to learn.
PL: 300,000 Ki: 295,000

Mouth Blast
You open your mouth and fire a blast. Takes 3 days to learn.
PL: 5,000 Ki: 3,000

Split Form
You split up into 2 people and you fight like that. Your fighting skill doubles while in this form and so does your HP. The downside is your PL and Ki are divided by 2. Takes 20 days to learn.
PL: none Ki: none

You split yourself into 4 people and you can fight with all 4 of them. Your fighting skill multiplies by 3 and so does your HP. The downside is your PL and Ki are divided by 4. Takes 27 days to learn.
PL: none Ki: none

Body Change
When you find someone you want to change bodies with you yell change and you start to switch bodies, as the beam hits your opponent you switch bodies. The downside is if something gets in the way you switch bodies with it. Takes 32 days to learn.
PL: none Ki: none

Finish Buster
This is future trunks version of the final flash. It is a very powerful attack. Takes 12 days to learn. PL: 4,200,100 Ki: 4,100,000

Big Bang
A very powerful attack that covers a large area and causes extreme damage. Takes 22 days to learn.
PL: 8,000,000 Ki: 7,000,000

Final Flash
A very powerful attack similar to the finish buster. This covers a large area and causes unparallel damage. Takes 15 days to learn.
PL: 7,000,500 Ki: 5,050,250

Solar Flare
You put your hands over your face and yell solar flare. Your opponent is then blinded by the light and cannot attack for untill you perform 2 attacks. Takes 12 days to learn.
PL: none Ki: none

You can prevent minor ki blasts from hitting you just by yelling. Takes 5 days to learn.
PL: 3,000 Ki: 2,000

It is similar to kamehameha, but it is smaller. Takes 6 days to learn.
PL: 12,000 Ki: 8,000

Either a bubble that forms around you or it forms around your body. It takes 12 days to learn.
PL: 60,000 Ki: 63,000

Eraser Cannon
A very powerful mouth blast that causes an explosion where it made contact. Takes 16 days to learn.
PL: 90,000 Ki: 60,000

You move so fast that you leave an after image that looks exactly like you. Takes 6 days to learn.
PL: none Ki: none

You form a disc in your palm and you throw it and it homes in on your opponent. It can cut through almost anything. Takes 4 days to learn.
PL: 1,036,000 Ki: 1,370,000

Eye Beam
You shoot beams from your eyes. Takes 2 days to learn.
PL: 2,000 Ki: 2,100

Double Tsuihikidan
You shoot 1 blast from each of your hand and fire them at your opponent. They can be controlled. Takes 9 days to learn.
PL: 14,700 Ki: 15,000

You fire a blast from each hand that you control to shoot above your opponent and merge then turn into many ki balls which rain down on your opponent.
PL: 5,225,365 Ki: 5,226,355

It is a ki blast that locks onto your opponent by heat and then fires at your opponent. Takes 3 days to learn.
PL: 8,000 Ki: 7,582

Renzoku Senkoudan
You throw many ki blasts at your opponent that stay behind him until you are done, then they form around your opponent and close in on him making it an inescapable attack that is very powerful. Takes 22 days to learn.
PL: 15,005,265 Ki: 15,000,005

Renzoku Energy Dan
An attack where you fire many ki blasts from your hand giving the attack a sort of machine gun affect. The ki blasts are very weak, but in numbers are very effective. Takes 9 days to learn.
PL: 29,000 Ki: 28,000

A very powerful attack used when the user raises 2 fingers above his head and causes a huge explosion in a chosen area. Takes 12 days to learn.
PL: 2,250,123 Ki: 2,000,000

It is an invisible attack shot from the hands or eyes. It knocks your opponent back and is very powerful. Takes 8 days to learn.
PL: 750,000 Ki: 500,250

Death Ball
A very powerful attack that is so powerful it could destroy a single planet. It is formed when the user raises a finger above his head and a ball forms above it. Takes 35 days to learn.
PL: 20,000,000 Ki: 19,500,000