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Kevin's picture site

Things I've done this summer

Hey thanks for visiting my webpage!

I'm only using it for pictures so enjoy.

All of the peaks you see in this picture... I climbed. The big flat peak is the Tooth of Time resting at around 10,000 ft. Although it is a great view from the top it is hell to get there. The row of peaks you see on the left of it is called Tooth Ridge. On the right of the Tooth you can see the location of "Switchback Hell". Although it would only take 45 min. to get down off of the Tooth these switchbacks make it a 2-3 hour trip down.

I will be adding more pictures from my trip to Philmont as I get them developed. Although pictures are nice they can't capture natures true beauty so just imagine these places looking 10x better in real life. Only because they do.