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Keith Kessler
(03) 3419-6103


The Japan Hotel School, Higashi-Nakano, Tokyo
January, 1998 - Present
Manager of Education
Oversee the school's English program, preparing students for success in the international hospitality industry. Promote coordination among teachers through maintenance of our departmental bulletin board. Develop and administer internship programs with overseas partners, including Hilton Hotels Corporation, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, and Le Montreux Palace. Constructing unofficial English website.

Kyoiku Kaihatsu Shuppan Co., Shimo-Takaido, Tokyo
January, 1998 - Present
 Edit and re-write ESL textbooks and standardized tests of English academic ability.

Toho Gakuen Junior and Senior High School, Sengawa, Tokyo
April, 1997-December, 1997
 Prepared and taught literature and conversation classes to students in both junior and senior high school, many of whom were "returnees" - students who had returned to Japan after having lived in English-speaking countries.

Waseda University Koto Gakuin, Kami-Shakuji, Tokyo
March, 1994 - March, 1997
 Designed and taught Oral Communication and American Studies classes to male high school students preparing to enter Waseda University, one of the top two private universities in Japan.

Japan Overseas Education Service, Okubo, Tokyo
April, 1995 - March, 1996
 Taught after-school supplementary English lessons to "returnee" junior high students.

Tokyo Electric University High School, Higashi-Koganei, Tokyo
March, 1993 - March, 1994
 Taught English to students preparing for entrance to Tokyo Electric University.

Simpson Middle School, Leesburg, Virginia
September, 1989 - June, 1990
 Taught Reading and U.S. History to seventh grade students, and World History to sixth-graders. Received state licensure, grades K-8.


M.Ed. in Elementary Education
University of Maryland, College Park, School of Education
May, 1989
Studied under Dr. Frank T. Lyman, leading authority on Cooperative Learning
Research papers: Analysis of the effects of increased "wait-time" on student responses
  Review of studies comparing teacher popularity with effectiveness

B.A. in Economics
Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
May, 1987
President, Oberlin College Forensic Union     Jorgenson Prize for Public Speaking

Certificate in Teaching Japanese Students, pass with merit
February, 2003
 Oxford University Press/David English House