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Saturday 17 May 2003


3:00 - Slave Catapulting Contest


Wanderer_ - Wildflower_ - eliandal


Free Men/Free Women enter with your favorite kajira or personal property. In this game, the kajira will be placed in several large catapults along a stream bed. At the signal, the Free will release the lever and see how many hands the kajira are slung into the water. It should prove to be very wet and very silly fun! Winners will be announced at the Awards' Ceremony.


Enter this game----:>HERE

Special Note: Please remember to title your email with the name of the game you are entering.




Saturday 17 May 2003


4:30 - Tarn Game




Teams of four participants needed. Each team will need one Free Man, one Free Woman and one kajira. The participants will mount their tarns, fly high into the arena above the onlookers, each carrying a small stuffed bean bag. Teams will aim their bag at a goal. If the Free Man scores highest on the toss for his team, his team is awarded +20 points. If the Free Woman scores highest on the toss, her team is awarded +10 points. If the kajira scores highest, her team is awarded +5 points. After 5 tosses, all the while managing tarns, the scores will be tallied. The team with the most points wins. Winners will be announced at the Awards' Ceremony.


Enter this game ---->HERE

Special Note: Please remember to title your email with the name of the game you are entering.





Sunday 18 May 2003


11:00 - Lap Game


Saxus - clarissa{Sax} 


A variation on Musical Chairs! All the Free will be the "chairs" and assigned a number at the beginning of the round. The kajira will roll a die. They will go to the Free that is represented by the number that they roll and settle snugly on their lap. After any given roll, a Free might have 10 or no kajirae on their lap. Each round should prove to be wiggling, squirming fun. 


Enter this game ---->HERE

Special Note: Please remember to title your email with the name of the game you are entering.




Sunday 18 May 2003


12:30 - Quiva Toss


Wanderer_ - Wildflower_ - laura{Kx}


The Free will be given 2 quiva, 2 tosses and their total score will be added together. The Free with the highest score wins. Winner will be announced at the Awards' Ceremony.


Enter this game ---->HERE

Special Note: Please remember to title your email with the name of the game you are entering.