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As He enters the dank gloom, He stops at the bottom of the stairs to allow His eyes to adjust. As He moves to one of the cells, the soft tap of His scabbard against His leg and the soft splash when one of His worn leather boots steps into a puddle echoes into the shadows beyond the torchlight. He stops and looks at the nude figure just beyond the steel bars chained by the steel around their throat to the wall. A key is taken out of a pouch at His waist, and the door of the cell is opened groaning from months of being unoiled. The figure kneels quickly close to the wall, her form trembling before Him as He enters the cell to unchain her. With a motion of His hand she follows Him out of the cell silently as He moves back up the stairs out of the gloom.

All slaves who are punished within the dungeons are gagged and not allowed to speak no matter who is speaking to them. Please be honorable enough to acknowledge this, and do not force the slaves to speak.