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Proverbs 15:23 - A Great Beginning!

Proverbs 15:23    "A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth:
and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!"

Every once in a while- something special comes along...
Now is the time to believe.
Something Special is indeed heading your way...
Are you ready to receive?
Psalms 5:11    "But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice:
 let them ever shout for joy,

because thou defendest them:
let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee."

Welcome! Here begins a journey into one of Christ's special teachings.
These pages are designed to stimulate reflection, a desire to reexamine our

Lord's exact words, and a decision to both understand and keep our promises
to Him. Our salvation was never free- though Jesus died to perfect it, He also
taught us that it came with several conditions. He taught that few would even
understand, much less choose to follow the pathway He was pointing towards.
For some reason, we are being taught something different from what He was
here teaching. For some reason we have been led to believe in things Jesus
Himself told us to avoid. I'm not sure... but is that not the best way to define
"sin"... ignoring God's words and commands in favor of something else?  If we
will all remember correctly... that is what Jesus, the very son of God, came to
explain to us, show us what it was, and exactly how to get it right according to
the father's commands. After nearly 2000 years, we have come a long way, but
 have yet to completely perform our obligations as Christian believers. We still
can, both collectively and as individuals, if we will but take Him at His word, learn
and then live exclusively the way the Gospels say He taught us, as believers and
followers, to live. Jesus left us a simple, robust  set of instructions and some really
 great tools. Only one thing still stops us... Lack of  faith in Christ and His words.
He's the Boss... His Dad owns the company.   Come.    Let's go to work for them.

Something that comes to mind about our lord's teachings should be making a bit of
difference in our faith. The truth is that Jesus was pretty emphatic about how we
should be thinking about the father, his will and the teachings Jesus brought before
us. No matter what else we believe He taught us, one of the most important ideas
He illustrated  was also the simplest, and most overlooked. It can be boiled down
easily into one short simple statement.... His words all pointed to it as the prime
key to understanding what the father wanted us to know, understand and use as a
new starting point in our new chance to live in peace with him as our God. It's a
two part statement he wanted us to grasp and write upon our hearts as we started
on the road home as Christians. Try this on, and see if you agree. Jesus' teachings
started and finished with these important precepts :
"Keep it simple, with God, the details matter."
and "With God, 'yoke easy, burden light', no exceptions."
Jesus was here to prove one thing. If we truly wanted God's kingdom, we would all
have our chance if we could follow His lead, stay the course and trust God to know
us well enough to share his kingdom with us. It's no mistake that Jesus taught us
the things He taught us. The mistake is that we pick and choose what we want from
His words, and ignore the rest.  As above... "Details count." All of His words to us...
are details. Which ones can we safely ignore?  Paul kind of hinted at what happens to
us when we ignore even the simplest words, "... all have sinned and come short of the
glory of God...". Jesus said we could do better. Perhaps all we need is to find out for
ourselves what we are still coming short on, even 2000 years or so later.  What in our
lives could possibly be more important? "Seek ye first the Kingdom..." the rest just
falls into place. After all... Jesus never said "work hard and suffer". Just the opposite.
Come. Jesus was more than a savior. He was our teacher and our supervisor. Doesn't
matter a bit how hard you've made your life or how easy. Jesus way is better.  Come.
See for yourself. There is more to it than you would ever believe. Simple and free.
Just as Jesus said it would be.  Jesus  never fibbed.  Come see for yourself... again.
Jesus Is Lord. He meant every word He said. It's your choice...
spend a little time here. No need to rush. Enjoy!

o  Eternity is but a heartbeat away...

His time is a bit different from ours...   How's your soul doing?

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o Perhaps we should take a moment- just to make certain of our destination... o

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