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Welcome Booklovers and Information addicts!


At my site, I have brought together all kinds of information; books and other stuff witch can be useful for you. Take advantage and browse trough all the pages.


As a writer, I have put my books online for your amusement.

I have included some of my FREE e BOOKS just for you, and I hope you will enjoy them. 

My other books are not free of charge of course, because I publish my books on my own account. Bear with me and donate a small amount of dollars or euros, so I can continue my efforts and offer you more books!


I have no download page, so if you are interested in my books and you want to order them, you simply have to e-mail me, and I will send the book to you via the Internet.


Items included: politics, health, science, hobbies, love, success, business, finance…





Lucas Raven


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