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Welcome to my Web site!

Hello and welcome to my place on the Internet.  My friends have been asking for a place about me and updates about things that are going on in my life.  Thank you for coming.  I really appreciate your visit. 

Favorite Links




I tried to make 2 blogs, some discussion boards and other things.  I am still trying some things out.  I would love it if you guys would leave me some feedback.  Drop me a line and let me know how I am doing.  Thank you very much for your time.


Photo Album

Communities & Forums

MountainsLook at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my vacations, sporting events, and my family.
  • CNN Up to date world news
  • Moscow times  Russian news so you can get a different point of view
  • You Tube KooL website where you can see some videos

This site was last updated 04/01/06

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