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Speaking Strategies

Описаните по-долу упражнения дават представа за използваната методология за развитие на комуникативните и говорими умения на учениците.

The following items provide a brief idea about some of the Speaking Strategies used by Pergament School.

1. The Last Time Game

Над 100 въпроса, които преподавателят задава на ученика на групи от по 15-на на учебен час. Целта е провеждането на свободен разговор, развиване на комуникативни способности и изграждане на умение за разказване на минали случки в Past Simple Tense.

  • The last time you had fun?
  • The last time you went to see a movie?
  • The last time you gave a promise?
  • The last time you told a lie? (Do you know the meaning of the phrase "white lie"?)
  • The last time you were lied to?
  • The last time you heard a joke?
  • The last time you received a present?
  • The last time you played a game?


2. Have you ever

Преподавателят разполага с над 120 въпроса от типа "Have you ever...". Целта е развиване на комуникативни способности при ползване на Present Perfect Tense и други, произтичащи от рамката на разговора времена.

  • Have you ever flown on a plane? When? Were you afraid? How did you feel?
  • Have you ever ridden a horse? How does it feel? Do you want to try?
  • Have you ever found money in your life? How much? How did you feel? Do you want to find some/more?
  • Have you ever been abroad? Which countries have you visited? Do you like travelling abroad?
  • Have you ever told a lie. Were you ashamed?
  • Have you ever been lied to? How did you feel?
  • Have you ever wanted to be very rich? Have you ever wanted to be a millionaire?
  • Have you ever wanted to live in another time? Which century would you choose for yourself?
  • Have you ever wanted to live at another place, let's say in another country?
  • Have you ever wanted to forget something?


3. Describing pictures

Целта на този тип упражнения е учениците да развият уменията си да разбират говорим английски. Ефектът се подсилва от изостреното им внимание при опита им да открият невярната информация в описанието на използваната картина

1st stage You listen to a description (without looking at it), guessing which details are true and which are false. After the end of the description you say what you think and compare the real picture with the description you have heard.

2nd stage You choose one of the characters in the picture and you invent a new personality. Example: the picture presents a castle of 17th century Europe - imagine that you are one of the ladies/gentlemen at the ball in the castle. Who are you? Why are you there? Are you married, or single? Or maybe you are expecting your lover.


4. Describing photos

Това е едно от любимите упражнения на учениците на "Пергамент", с което те развиват своите умения да говорят на английски, разказвайки за минали неща с помощта на техни собствени снимки.

The teacher and the students exchange photos telling about the places they have been; the things they have seen.


5. Pros & Cons Disputes

Тематични дискусии "за" и "против"

Topics for discussion

  • What is better: one world language, or keeping the national languages?
  • Abortion: pros and cons.
  • Death penalty: pros and cons
  • Bulgaria in NATO: pros and cons


6. Icebreakers

Група от около 50 провокиращи мисълта въпроси, чиято цел е да се стартира непосредствен и искрен разговор за неща, които ни вълнуват.

  1. What is your most prized possession?
  2. What is the funniest experience you have had in your life?
  3. If you went to a desert island which one person would you take with you?
  4. As a small child who was your best friend?
  5. What would you do if you suddenly become a millionaire?
  6. Think of your best friend: what is his/her worst characteristic?
  7. What would you do if you had only 24 hours to live?
  8. If you must choose between money/security and happiness what would you choose?
  9. Do you believe money and happiness are one and the same?
  10. What is the most beautiful sight you have ever seen?


7. Simultaneous translation Bulgaria - English

Преподавателят разполага със стотици изречения на български, изискващи специфичен превод и ползване на конкретни времена на английски, които учениците трябва да се опитат да преведат без предварителна подготовка. Упражнението е предвидено за напреднали.

  1. Обикновено те стават късно в неделя.
  2. Нашата учителка по английски винаги пише новите думи на дъската
  3. По-малката ми сестра свири много добре на пиано.
  4. Сега разбирам какво имаш предвид.
  5. Кога си гледал този филм? - Преди два дни.
  6. Кога си чел тази книга? - Миналата година.


8. Tests, Games, Quiz

Методологията на "Пергамент" включва многобройни психологически тестове, IQ тестове, въпроси от викторини, увлекателни игри и др., адаптирани с единствената цел да се усъвършенстват комуникативните умения на учениците.

  1. Psychological Tests: variety of entertaining tests
  2. Guessing games.
  3. Am I Lying Game? Tell me whatever you like but 3 quarters of it should be lies. I'll try to guess what is a lie and what is not?
  4. Important Things: prepare a list of words that you associate with yourself; then 7 things you associate with your partner/teacher. Do a rating of importance. Compare and discuss with you partner.


9. Listening & Reading Comprehension Followed by Discussion

При този тип упражнения учениците прослушват или четат текстове на английски, след което отговорят на въпроси и коментират по темата.


10. Job Interview

По-долу са представени извадки от въпроси, характерни за работни интервюта, събрани в тематични групи. Целта на Job Interview е да се развият комуникативни способности и да се симулира реална ситуация на интервю на английски език. В някои случаи с курсив са предложени подходящи отговори, които ще ви помогнат да не бъдете "хванат" неподготвен.


1. How tall are you? 2. What do you weigh? 3. Do you have a good sight ? 4. Can you work 12 hours a day if required? 5. How many times have you been ill during the this year? 6. Do you often feel exhausted? 7. How early do you usually get up? 8. At what time do you usually go to bed? 9. Do you watch TV after midnight?


1. Can you control yourself at all events? 2. What do you prefer: a) Working independently b) Working in a team 3. Can you work under pressure for a period of time? 4. Do you think you possess the qualities of a natural leader?

Communicative skills (English)

1. Are you shy when you have to say something? 2. Do you like to speak and to meet people? 3. Do you feel OK when you have to speak with strangers? 4. Do you like speaking on the phone? 5. Do you have experience with the E-mail communication? 6. Have you used chat programs as ICQ? 7. Do you have long conversations with other people? 8. How many words do you know in English? 9. Have you ever written business letters? 10. What do you do if you get a second call while you speak on the phone?


1. What is your education? 2. What is your professional experience 3. Have you worked anywhere so far? 4. Do you have a business management qualification? 5. What are you computer skills? 6. Have your worked for a Sales Department? 7. Do you gave some professional experience as an accountant? 8. Are you experienced with the computer accountancy? 9. Do you have a driving license?


1. Why do you want to come to US? I'd like to learn more about US, I hope I'd be able to improve my English, and I also want to expand my working experience in this country. 2. Why did you choose our country? I'm deeply interested in the American way of life and I'm keen to find out more about this country. 6. If you have limited experience why should we hire you? I am sure I can learn very fast and I'll improve the quality of my services pretty fast. 7. What kind of salary are you hoping to get? My expectations are within the range of 6-7 dollars per hour. 8. How well do you interact with your colleagues? I believe I'm a good team worker and I keep aside from any conflicts. 9. How do you cope with responsibility? I consider responsibility as a part of the very job and when I work I try to give my best. 10. Give me an example of your problem-solving skills. 11. Tell us three of your strong sides as an employee? Strictness; Ambition; Honesty