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Dragon Holidays

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January 16th - Earth Dragon day

February 16th - The Dragon parade celebrating Chinese New Year.

March 3rd - Alexander Graham Bell - The patron Saint of all copper dragons

March 25th - Celtic Flower day

April 17th - Fire Dragon Day

May 5th - The feast of the Dragon - Chinese

June 18th - Dragon Boat Day

June 22th - The Flaming of the Rose - Nwyvre

July 17th - Sea Dragon Day

July 29th - Festival of Tarasque

August 15th - Feast of the Flame Dragons - Famir

September 7th - St Clouds day - Fionneal

October 8th - Feast of High Places - Claivsolais

October 16th - Air Dragon Day

November 6th - Dragon Mother Day - Dubnos

November 14th - Feast of the Musicians - Laochgael

December 8th - Festival of the Sun - Gagreine