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Environmental Issues

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What does it mean to be "urban"? The dictionary describes "urbaneness" as relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area. In this sense, one could call Mansfield an urban community. Mansfield is a town that is rapidly expanding and growing. It has a concert hall (The Tweeter Center) and will soon be getting a mall. Mansfield has a train station and provides easy access into Boston and Providence. Two highways also run through it (route 106 and 140) and two highways border the town (route 95 and 495)

The center for New Urbanism says that "Urban life is associated with a highly human-constructed, mediated environment, involving little interaction with the natural world." Mansfield also fits this description as well. Wheather that is good or bad is up to a persons personal preferance.

Our group focused on the subject of expansion and overpopulation in the town of Mansfield, MA. Urbanization contributes to expansion and as the people in the town increase because of urbanization, the town expands to accomidate the growing population. The downside, of course, is that the town is only so big and eventually will run out of land to expand upon.


Ecological Footprint

Natural Resources

A video of Mansfield High School, an example of the population boom in Mansfield, Massachusetts.

Loss of Biodiversity in Mansfield, Massachusetts

Possible Solutions to the Problem