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Question: Does this website still exist?
Answer: Interesting question, if you find out the answer let me know. Kidding, I will update when I find the time, honest.
Question: Where is Naomi's Christmas list?
Answer: Here
Question: What is
Answer: A site that tries to show history in a fun but still informative way.
Question: How do I navigate this website?
Answer: Below is a short guide to each category and what it contains.
Home – If you ever want to return to the Home Page (here) then just click on the button that says ‘Home’.
Monarchs – Those happy few men and women who called themselves King or Queen.
Royalty – Those poor buggers who never got to sit on a throne but were still members of the royal family.
Nobility – Dukes, Earls, Counts and many more men with lands and titles are classed (by me) as the nobility.
Churchmen – Members of the Church, be they Archbishops, friars or crazy fanatical preachers.
Events – From the Norman Invasion to the Reformation, if it was an event and interesting it can probably be found in here.
Cartoons – Terrible cartoons drawn solely by me showing amusing and often entirely made-up glimpses of history.
Information – Links, copyright policies, contact details and other such mildly interesting information.
Site Map – Lost? Don’t have a clue where to start? Hopefully this guide will set you help you out.
Question: What sort of information can be found on the site?
Answer: Hopefully one day it will cover every monarch, every noble, every priest and every battle. Of course, this can never happen, but I'll have a lot of fun trying.

History, n. An account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools. (Ambrose Bierce)

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