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Archangel Derek's Musick Files

Hello hello are a bunch of songs that I have written over the past couple of years...all tentative titles subject to change, but good enough for now. I hope you enjoy the musick just as much as I enjoyed making it. I am beginning my own mini publishing house soon hopefully, under the name 'The Token Ring' after the ring that still remains with me after completing Marine Corps bootcamp. It is the ring of September, a month lest we forget. My musick is meant to be uplifting, and I hope the melody provides more for you than the standard feel that has been dubbed 'radio' long ago. I have been trying to cultivate my own sound of musick, and many have told me I have succeeded. Judge for yourself, musick is only important to an extent for some...but for me it is the universal language of mankind...all of mankind...any constructive or destructive comments and criticisms can be send to my email address at: I hope you enjoy your experience and please send an email my way when you have the chance. Thanks and peace out! PAX! @-Arch D-@ QBLH