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Hi, Welcome to Deke's Official Website.
I will be focusing on several things that include:
  • Plushie Lists [I collect plushies!]
    Check out my collection at Deke_Plushies.
  • My Neopets Guild-
  • My Bunniees and other bunniees from my guild.
  • Other Pets from my guild- Cats, Dogs and Devils.
  • Guild Member Profiles.
  • Backgrounds-Bunniees, Plushies and more.

What is a guild you may ask?
Well, for the past two years I have been playing and I love my guild, The Neoworld Of Food.
I don't believe in joining those big guilds where you don't get enough personal attention or joining those small guilds where the guild council is not very experienced.
Ideally, I think that a guild with about 150-300 members is perfect.
Also, I noticed that some guilds make it compulsary to give 'donations' in order to join or get promoted.
I just don't understand it...doesn't it defeat the purpose of 'helping' other neopians?
Oh each his own. That is just my opinion.

Anyway, feel free to join my guild by clicking on the logo on the left.

Wanna see some comics? Click here