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Hi. this is my strategy page. u need lots of help if your going to me for help....j/k I have quite a few strategies myself... if u want expert advice go to
first of all these strategies are NOT garenteed to work.These are strategies which i myself have found out. I'm not saying they will never work. but please take these strategies with cautions. I am not responsible!
Carrier rush! 1st strategy and a very good one (this is only works on money maps!)1st take gather all the minerals around your base ,then take build as many as u can make.Tell them to gathering. Then you build a pylons around your base ,cover it all up. Then line each side with cannons.If you already haven't built, forge yet DO IT! Then u covor u'r entrance with even more cannons. You still with me? ok now u build assmilaters everywhere there's a geyser in your base. Make 3 probes to gather in each assimalater. Then build gateway and cybernetics core. After(this is the sweet part) build like as many stargates u can build until your money runs out. Then build like 10 pylons. Then tell each stargate to build 2 carriers. oh yea! BUILD A FLEET BEACON! then upgrade max interceptors. Then rally them to someplace far off u'r base. Then build a citadal of adun. After,then a templar archives. Then a arbiter tribunal. After tell u'r 1 of stargates to build 3 arbiters. Now we are ready to attack. Oh wait !not yet. upgrade recall on the arbiter. Did u remember to build intercepters? Check. If u did we are all ready. Take 1 arbiter into the side of the enemys base. Recall carriers from home base. Repeat this entire process till u win.