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Hi. This is the part of my page that u can dl stuff. This part took me the most time. CAUTION: BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT AND ME ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE IF SOMTHING HAPPENS TO U"R COMP FROM THESE DOWNLODS!!!!!
Dark Bot A pretty good bot. Although it doesn't work on most comps :(
KEY GENERATOR This is a key generator. It makes random cd-keys. Single player is gareented. But it may not work on

Starcraft Mix song This is a VER COOL song! Maybe thats why I have it on my front page......
ZD BOT This is A VERY good bot. One of the popular ones to go in private chnnls. And very easy to config. But never the less not for newbs.

SC Mouse Pretty worthless. But a little interseting for those starcraft fans that want for starcraft.
JAPAN BOT This is pretty good bot. I haven't tried it but my friend told me it was good. I guess its a way to show off u'r from japan i guess
PLACE ZAPER I think this is one of my best downlods yet! This is a hack/editor that let u put minerals next to your command center/Nexus/Hathcherey!
BaCk To PaGe