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Im so so so sorry everyone! i dunno what got into me, but i suddenly lost interest in updating this site. im thinking of openeing another one buut for now, jugive me a couple more days or weeks, or months heck, i dun even know. just lemmie get the hang of this again. but for now, i just want to let you all know that i am not dead. luv yall! *hugz*
ps: ill probably get started during this christmas holiday.

saturday december 21, 2002

since: Sunday, September 8, 2002

|[ Reese makes me so happy ]|

I am in love with a walk to remember!
I am a proud Christina fan!
I love Keanu Reeves!
I am a fan of Drew Barreymore!><br>
<a href=
I am a proud canadian!
i am a proud italian!

The current mood of at